#35. Nathan MacKinnon:Colorado Avalanche

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There are five minutes left in the game against San Jose and the Avalanche are up 5-3. Your hand is clutched in your boyfriend Nathan's moms as the two of you, along with Nathan's father, are watching the game from the stands. The entire section is filled with Avalanche families and everyone is cheering. Nathan already has 2 goals, ending his goal drought and your hope is that he can score a hat trick.

With less then 2 minutes left the sharks pull Jones. Nathan sends the puck down the ice toward the goal and SCORES! You jump to your feet screaming and Nathan's mother hugs you. He looks up toward where you guys are sitting and smiles. You wave and he raises a hand in salute.

The rest of the game ends without anything special and a final score of 6-3. You were glad that the MacKinnon's had gotten the chance to see their son's team win and on top of that, to see him get a hat trick. You had met Nathan at a game during his rookie year and had become fast friends until he kissed you at a New Years party and everything changed. You knew you loved him but, being the shy girl you were, you hadn't told him.

Right now you were a 20 year old college student studying to become a Veterinarian. You had a volunteer job at the local animal shelter and to pay the bills worked as a waitress at the restaurant across from the campus and a Barista at a local coffee shop.

The families were escorted from the seats to the hallway leading to the locker room and most of us wait. Most of the families came except for the few with very young children and the few who had other obligations. The team trickles out of the locker room and the group in the hall slowly dwindles. Nathan is one of the last ones out but its obvious he took a shower first. He hugs and kisses his mom first, then hugs his dad before drawing you close and kissing you. Its short but sweet, and leaves the feeling that it won't be the last kiss of the night.

The four of you stand chatting in the hallway for awhile before Mrs. MacKinnon decides that it's getting late and its time to head back to the hotel since their flight back to Halifax is early the next morning. You all walk out of the arena and head toward where the cab stand is. When the cab pulls up the curb the farewell is tearful but sweet.

Mrs. MacKinnon gives you a big hug but what she whispers in your ear makes you blush. "You are bye far the best girlfriend Nat has had." She whispers "Your such a sweet, hard working girl, I couldn't think of a better girl for him." She pulls away and smiles at you and you grin back.

"It was lovely to meet you Mrs. MacKinnon" You reply and she sakes her head. "Call me Kathy darling" You smile and promise to call her that in the future. Nathan's dad also gives you a hug and says something along the same lines as Nathan's mom. The two of them get in the cab and you and Nathan wave as they drive away. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close as the two of you wait for the next cab.

About a half hour later your standing on the balcony of your and Nathan's hotel room looking out over the city of San Jose and shiver the tiniest bit. A pair of strong arms wrap around your waist and Nathan molds his body against yours and places kisses along your neck. Your eyes are closed and you let out a content sigh. "You know I love you" He murmurs against your neck and your eyes fly open.

"What?!" You say and he pulls away and turns you to face him.

"(Y/N/N) I've loved you for longer then I can remember but I've just been too scared to say it. But I'm not afraid now, I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" You smile up at him.

"I love you too Nathan MacKinnon, dont ever forget that" You grasp the fabric of his shirt around his collar and bring his face down to meet yours. After you pull away he sweeps you up in his arms and spins you around. You let out a laugh before he sets you down and you stand back on your own two feet. He places his forehead on yours and smiles down at you. You smile too and suddenly the cool air doesn't bother you anymore.


Hey just another quick chapter before I go to bed. Thanks guys for over 500 votes! I can't believe it. There will most likely be another chapter up tomorrow but no promises. Also if you find any spelling errors in this please tell me because I didn't edit this xD oops. Thats all for now! Bye!

P.S For rachlove32 :)


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