Entry I

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It has been close to II moons since my ascension to temple Guardian, and in that time I have poured over as many of the forbidden texts I am now permitted as possible—to better equip myself to the trials ahead. And so, by the rise of a new sun over the island, I sat under my closest friend, 's, most favoured tree—to continue my study as I often did. One of the scrolls I was looking over did detail the founding of the temple by the first progenital Arbiter—a great man named Telesphorus. But my reading was cut short by a winged messenger bearing a summon from Guardian Ajax; I swiftly complied and made my way to the temple's Twilight Sanctuary. There I was informed of one in need of guidance, and that my assistance in this charge would act as my first trial as Guardian, to test my faith... and my vow. No details were given, merely that I must make ready to leave immediately, as Sage Danae had a boat prepared for me at shore, to hasten me to the mainland—tide and wind permitting. With that, I humbly bid my leave to ready myself and set forth.

Temple of The All Seeing Stars ~ Isle of Siris

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Temple of The All Seeing Stars ~ Isle of Siris

Though I attempted to stay steadfast, my mind was a wash with thought. I had spent that very dawn with Farinosa as I would have any other, and with a short few words that would all be changing. Now, to be bidding farewell to all I knew for the very first time was admittedly jarring—but I soon fastened myself with the faith that all would progress as it should, as it always had. I knew Farina would be by the Tranquil Waters at this time, and so—preparing myself—I made my way over to her. I hope it was not in lack of faith that my heart weighed so heavily as I recited my charge, but by whatever measure I did not let my feelings show. And despite her protests, I bid my farewell and made my way to the shore with trusted certainty that I would see her again in time. But as I should have come to learn, certainty is ever elusive in the presence of Farinosa, and I did not suspect that the constellations would bring our reunion so very swiftly. For upon the open waves, as I did contemplate the journey ahead and my perceived solitude, I heard the soft snoring of a familiar nose—Farinosa had stowed away on the boat and set in herself to join my pilgrimage. Perhaps it was by the guidance of the stars that she joins me, I just hope they might permit for me to keep her safe; she has been with me for as long as I can recall, and has held a special place in my heart ever since.

Tranquil Waters

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Tranquil Waters

Upon reaching the mainland, I directed my barn owl and loyal companion, Glaukôpis, to scout ahead while we traversed the sandy beach toward the looming tree line. And it was in that moment—amidst the hushed whispers of the winds and gentle lapping of the waves—that the true nature of my mission became revealed to me. For we soon encountered a warrior woman, lost and seemingly adrift on her journey. Though initially reluctant to share it with us, she eventually revealed her name to be. She explained that her mother had ventured to the island temple with the hope of finding a guide to Athens, but as to the events that followed they remained shrouded in mystery; so she had set forth to uncover whatever might have happened. And thus, my mission was fully unveiled and my duty laid out: to protect and guide this woman, Talabriyã, on her path of discovery; while navigating the uncharted waters of faith within myself, that would certainly lie ahead through this challenging journey.

 And thus, my mission was fully unveiled and my duty laid out: to protect and guide this woman, Talabriyã, on her path of discovery; while navigating the uncharted waters of faith within myself, that would certainly lie ahead through this challeng...

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