Dear Dad

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"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar: but never doubt I love." -William Shakespeare, Hamlet

The stars are only balls of gas, burning with the heat and passion to destroy all it contacts. They burn in all colors of the rainbow, before burning out in a fiery passion to become something new. The cycle repeats, the stars becoming anything they want to be, to be any color, or size, or brightness.

Dib watched the stars twinkle above him, winking at the young boy, like they new his little secret. If the wanderer stared at the stars for just long enough, he could swear some deity just poked holes in a box, before placing the whole world inside it. They created him- to be full of sin, but of freedom and creativity. The gods built him, and him only, to experience the high and lows of the experience of the world.

The walls around Dib shook slightly, something that alerted the boy to push his headphones onto his head, and blare the sweet melodies of music into his ears until his brain melted into their soft hums and catchy lyrics.

'Please, don't come in here.' Dib thought, as his body tensed at vibrations he felt through the floorboards. The walls which always seemed to comfort Dib, to keep his thoughts, his scars- even his body hidden within their dark blue paint always seemed constricting when his father came home. The room seemed to always close in, closer, closer closer, until he could barely breathe.

 While he gasped for breaths stardust spewed out, coating Dib's body in a feeling of both bone chilling fear and red hot passion. His palms and face sweat while his legs shook. This was not always a room, a sanctuary, at times it was a prison. A place father will always find his insane son. While Dib's brains leaked out of his ears, threatening to spill his thoughts far enough to be heard, his family enjoyed dinner, unaware of the pure chaos infesting the boys mind and consuming everything, leaving no thoughts behind.

Letting out a shaky breath, Dib looked at the ceiling. Glow-in-the-dark stickers dotted his ceiling, bringing him comfort. Even on the darkest of nights, the sun shined bright, just for him. Sucking in another breath from his open mouth, cold air rushed in, bringing in a taste of guilt and anguish, a breath Dib believed he didn't always deserve.

The posters above Dib's room stared down at him, the eyes of monsters and humans alike staring him down, judging them all in their own ways, based on their cultures and customs. The light from the hallway casted a small light on each poster, which always caught the eyes behind Dib's thick glasses.

The boy spent hours staring into each of their eyes, wondering. Above his bed was the monster from the movie 'Alien.' It always made Dib wonder. Could the invaders from outer space accept him? Would there be a place for him in their society? Could he live a normal life, happy and free.

His hands from themselves pulling at his hair, while a heavy breath escaped Dib's chapped lips. The walls seemed to melt from the heat of the question swimming in his rotted mind, like they couldn't handle the secret of such words.

Tears stung Dib's eyes, words in his mind pushing against his eyes and skull, causing a terrible pressure that made his heart want to stop beating right then and there. The endless void began to spill out from the melted walls, old hands belonging to millions of fantasies reaching for the boy that gave them space in his cranium to exist.

"I.. I can't stand it!" Dib called out, his own voice echoing into the folds of his brain. While he reached for the door, Dib squeezed his eyes shut, hoping when he woke up he'd be away from this burning memory.

When his eyes fluttered open, Dib sat in a kneeling position on the floor, in the corner of his room.
"I'm sorry. I.. I didn't want to be this way." The boy mumbled out, unable to look up. An unlight candle pressed against Dib's knees, while tears streamed down his face. A small bible pressed against his side. He could hear his fathers words echo in his mind, burned and seared into Dib's very own soul.

"Father. Please, forgive me. I'll fix myself, I promise. I can hide it." Dib cried out, before looking up. His eyes caught a glimpse of the man before him- well, a poster. His mouth filled with a scream, but his body swallowed it down, to feast on such emotion.

"To Dib, my number one fan!" Was written on the chest of the man on the poster. A scientist, with his lab coat brought over his mouth. He had many similar features to Dib, almost like they were clones.

A quiet sob escaped Dib's throat, as he begged in front of the poster. "Ill repent now, I swear. I'll repent for the rest of my life, please. Love me." Dib's voice drew out the word 'love', like it was a forbidden piece of candy. His tongue ran over his teeth again, as the young boy thought of the word love.

Little did he know, his hands pressed into his thighs, like they were possessed by the man on the poster.

"Dad.. I love you." Dib groaned out, a mix of shame and disgusting pleasure. His brain felt tickled at such a sentence, while he groaned out another pained moan. His uncut nails sunk deeper into the tender flesh on his thighs, until red trickled out.

"Notice me, love me. I will do anything, just look at me." His voice pleaded at the poster above. Grabbing the small lighter next to the candle, Dib lit it. His eyes focused on the flickering flame, the only light in his dark room. It danced like a little sun, mimicking the passion deep in Dib's soul.

Flipping open the bible, Dib turned the pages to one of the many bookmarked sections he added to the holy book. Clearing his throat, Dib looked at the poster once more, before reading from the bible.

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Dibs voice dried out, as the fire in his soul began to burn brighter. "Dad. I know I'm a sinner. But it makes me so happy to sin. You.. You make me want to. Please." Dib groaned out, as his fingers pushed into his mouth, tickling the back of his throat.

Dib's knees immediately buckled, while his eyes focused onto the poster in front of him. Spreading out his legs, Dibs other hand pushed past the waist band of his boxers, before grazing against his half hard member.

"I would do anything for you. Anything." Pushing down his shorts, Dib showed off his member to the poster of Professor Membrane. He wasn't very big, or girthy, but Dib was proud of what he had.

"This could be yours. I know you'd like it, because I like it too. Let's learn together." Dib instructed to himself. 

"I know the tip feels good. Want to know how I know, dad? I learned from when you used to give me baths." Dib admitted sheepishly. He was fully erect now, and leaking onto his hand. His fingers gently brushed against the tip of his little wood, causing him to mewl in pleasure.

"The shaft is how you.. You pee. I once walked into you on the bath room. I was so embarrassed." As before, Dib's fingers pressed against his shaft, before slowly wrapping around it. With a couple pumps, Dib groaned, before looking at the poster once more.

"Do you like that, Dad? I'm so hard, just thinking about you. I.. I would let you kiss me while I touched down here, if you asked me to." With a gasp, Dib thrusted into his hand while his other hand pushed his shirt up, revealing his bright red, hard nipples.

"Mm- ngh.. Dad. Please let me- ngh." Dib grunted, as he looked into the paper eyes of his father. "Let me cum, please! I promise I'll never look at you again!" Dib moaned, as his hips began to thrust naturally into his hand.

 With a strained gasp, Dib orgasmed into his hand, while the candle went out.

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