Chapter Three- Keefe's POV

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I sat on Fitz's bed, waiting for Biana to come back. "What do you think she's doing?" I finally asked. She just rushed out, and didn't say why. "Do you think she's ok?" Fitz asked, looking concerned. I shrugged. "Let's go find her."

We walked downstairs, and out the door. Fitz started whistling, extremely off-key. "Fitzy! That sounds awful," I complained. "Besides, I think I hear voices up ahead. Biana, are you over here?" We waited, but no one responded. I felt a familiar rush of nervousness, and relief. Is that Foster? Fitz grabbed my arm. "Look over there!" We watched and saw the bush flatten, and pop back up. Was that a jackalope or something?" Fitz asked. "Come on; Let's go back to the house, and see if Biana is there." That was definitely Foster.

We ran back up the path, and into Everglen. And then right into Biana and Sophie who were just coming outside. Sophie grabbed on to Biana to keep from falling, (which didn't work; they both fell over) and I bumped into Fitz, and we both crashed to the ground.

"Sophie!" Biana exclaimed. "Your new dress! And makeup!" Sophie looked up with a panicked expression on her face. "I don't need a new one, right?" She asked hesitantly. "Well, stand up. Let me see." Sophie stood up, and twirled around. Biana gave her a thumbs up. "You should be good."

Fitz and I watched this exchange with an amused expression on our faces. "Let me guess," Fitz said. "Biana managed to corner you into a makeover before we go to Atlantis? Is that what you snuck off for Biana? What were you doing?" "Yeah," I said, stroking an imaginary mustache. "Why were you sneaking around invisible, and it wasn't to prank someone?" They looked at each other, kind of shocked, and then Biana burst out laughing. "What's the joke?" I asked, confused. Sophie scowled at Biana, but then burst out laughing too. They finally stopped laughing, and tried to catch their breath.

"Should you tell them?" Biana asked Sophie, between gulps of air. She frantically shook her head no. "Well then I will! Soooo.." Biana started. "Hold on!" Sophie interrupted. "If we're going to tell the story no matter what, I'm going to be the one to tell it." "Ugg, fine."

"-we just barely snuck by you guys, and Biana loaned me a new dress. There." Sophie finished. "That is hilarious!" I exclaimed. She glared at me. I put my hands up, and backed up a little. "Come on guys," I said, looking to Biana and Fitz for help. "It was funny, right? It might even be better than "The Great Cape Destruction!" Biana shook her head- Girls- but Fitz nodded. "I knew I could count on you Fitzy." Sophie frowned, in a pouty way.

Behind me the shadows lifted, revealing twins with black hair, and silver tips. "If it helps Sophie," a joking voice said. "Tam and I are your side." "We are? When did we decide that?"

I smirked. "Would you rather be in my team, Bangs Boy?" Tam took a step back. "Scratch that, I'm definitely on Sophie's team!" Sophie snickered. Lihn collected some water out of the air, and through it at Tam. "Hey!" Tam said angrily. "What was that for?" Lihn just smiled. Tam frowned, and started gathering shadows. Then Sophie joined the fight and started inflicting happiness on Tam. While it was hilarious to see him start cry-laughing, I was pretty sure it would be a full on war, if someone didn't do something soon.

"Ok guys," Biana said, taking charge. "That's enough! We just have to wait for Marella, Maruca, Wylie,  and Dex to get here, and then we can leave." "They should be here pretty soon, right?" Sophie asked. Biana nodded.

Speaking of which, I saw a bright light outside the gate. Marella, Maruca, and Dex came walking through the gate. "Well," Biana said counting. "I think that's all of us, so we can lightleap now. Come on!"

A/N What do you guys think so far? Do you like it? It would really mean a lot to me if you would comment and vote. I'm super excited this has already gotten about 30 views! The question of the day, is which KOTLC book is your favorite, and why? I'm not quite sure, I do like Stellerlune a lot though (because of Chapter 42 *wink*).

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