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After the announcement went off, it was silent. Besides a few whispers here and there. Then, it went back to loud. Everyone going back to the conversations they had before the announcement went off. How long are we gonna have to stay like this?


It's been hours. I'm not exaggerating. The lockdown started at around 8:20. It's currently FUCKING 11:27. I'm already sick of this class, but staying here for 3 hours!? Yeah, no way I can do that.

"Miss. Goodwin, when can we get out of here?? It's so frickin boring." A student whined, which I would completely understand why. I was getting sick of staying in here too.

"Haha, don't worry! Probably not much longer! I'm sure." Miss. Goodwin assured weakly. She wasn't very good at comforting a class of high schoolers. Pretty sure she said she worked in a kindergarten for 10 years before she worked here. Damn she's old.


After some minutes passed, that idiot Brian started to do something. That something was peek out of the window. I honestly didn't care what that idiot did. I just want to go ho-

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Brian shouted, stumbling back away from the window. A modified expression on his face. That wasn't a very good sign. The friend that scolded him earlier came rushing to his aid. Immediately helping him up. "What happened?" A girl questioned. This was the only time I was actually interested in what these blabber mouths were saying.

"T-there are hundreds of them outside! Hundreds of that...that thing!" Brian explained hastily while moving his arms frantically, like they had a mind of their own or something.

"Hundreds!? Is that why we aren't allowed to go home?" Someone else questioned. Just then a storm of questions came crashing down on Miss. Goodwin. Can't believe I'm actually feeling guilty for the beastly of a woman.

But of course, she didn't answer them. Her gaze remained dead set on the wall. Now I know where her daughter gets it.

Now that I think about it. It was oddly quiet in the school. Before all this started, you could hear students in the halls, teachers lecturing their students and doors slamming. Now it was dead silence.


"Oh shit..." Brian muttered under his breath as he backed away from the window. His friend put on a stern face and walked up to the window. Miss. Goodwin having finally looked away from the wall, stared at the boy in shock.

"W-wait...don't..." Miss. Goodwin whispered softly. Though too softly for the boy to hear. He was already half way across the classroom.

The boy opened the curtain of the window. Boy I wish he didn't.

"HOLY SHIT-" The boy screamed, stumbling back just like Brian did when he peeked through the window. Except this time, the thing was right up against the window. So close in fact, you could see it's breath fogging the window.

A few girls screamed at the sight, immediately running the opposite direction of the window, some trying to run through the door, others hiding underneath desks or anywhere else they could find. Me on the other hand, I fucking booked it. I immediately ran behind Miss. Goodwin's desk and hid. Some other kids were underneath the desk as well. Crying and holding their breaths.

I was scared shitless. I thought this was all a prank! Or some weird dude with a disability! Theirs no way a singular dude with a disability could multiply in a matter of seconds and some how manage to get up to our window. We were on the second floor! Whatever that thing was, it was not human. The realization of that just now settling in.

Just when I thought that was bad, the last thing I wanted to hear happened. The window breaking.

Panicked screams flooded the room. Miss. Goodwin on the other hand was frozen. Staring at the scene without even blinking.

"ISAAC!" I heard Brian scream. That was not a good sign.

Miss. Goodwin finally snapped out of her trans. She rushed away from my line of sight to most likely go and try and help this Isaac ki-


I felt the desk I was hiding under shake. Something was on top of it. The 2 girls I was hiding with began to cry. The girl with black hair was holding the blond girl's mouth. Making sure she didn't make a sound. I hoped she wouldn't make a sound.

We didn't know what was on top of the desk. We didn't even know if it was a human. It could have been that thing for all we know, and we didn't want to know. Was anyone even still alive? Their were a few screams, but they were all faint. Most likely running down the hallway or something. Maybe I could make a run fo-

My mind stopped. The girls next to me were pale. I probably was too. The body of Brian laid lifeless on the floor in front of us. A huge gaping hole in his stomach. I could feel my heart drop, and the shock settling in. This was real.

"...shit man..." The black haired girl shuddered, a smile on her face as she laughed softly. Her eyes wide with fear. Why was she laughing at a time like this!? This was no laughing manner?? Am I sitting next to a psycho right now or something? God this is fucked up...


The screaming died down. In fact, there was barely any screaming at all. Which I couldn't tell if that was a good thing, or a bad thing. The blond girl has finally stopped crying, and the black haired girl stopped laughing. Even though she wasn't supposed to be in the first place. Only problem we really had was wondering if that creature was still here or not. We didn't know.

"A-alisha...can you check to see if that thing is here?" The Blondie whispered to I assumed was Alisha. The black haired girl. Alisha just shrugged and peeked her head out from underneath the desk. Once she got a good look around, she stuck a thumbs up and crawled out from underneath the desk. The Blondie quickly following her.

I didn't really know what else to do, so I followed behind them. Only to be met with a horror. Alisha didn't look fazed by it, but me and the Blondie sure were. There were dead bodies everywhere. Some leaning over desks, some wedged into cabinets. Heck some were even hanging out the fucking window!

"I...I think I'm gonna be sick..." Mumbled the Blondie as she gaged.

A cabinet opened up and out came Brian's friend. Was this Isaac? Probably was, cause that dude had a gushing slash mark on his side. Alisha's eyes widened with surprise. So did mine. I was just surprised he was even alive.

"A-are...they gone..?" He whispered weakly, holding onto his side, trying to stop the blood. Even though it wasn't doing shit for him.

The Blondie ran over to Isaac to help him out of the cabinet. Which is a waste. How were we even gonna help this dude? We're a bunch of teens with absolutely no medical supplies.

"I have some Tylenol in my bag you can use." Alisha said bluntly, pointing to her desk. Which just so happened to have a dead fucking body on it.

"I'm not touching that..." The Blondie dismissed harshly. Her eyes narrowing with disgust at the desk. "Ok then, you. Uh, Asher I think your name was? You go get it." Alisha pointed me out. No way in hell I was going anywhere near that.

"Fuck no. You get it yourself." I hissed back, crossing my arms while eyeing the body on the desk. I didn't even know whose body it was. I don't bother memorizing people names. "Fine whatever." Alisha shrugged and walked towards her desk, pushing the body off of her desk and rummaging through her bag.

The body made a very uncomfortable noise when it hit the ground. Almost like the sound of a breaking tree. It sounded painful.

Alisha walked back over towards Blondie and handed her the Tylenol. Isaac looked at the bottle and then at the Blondie. He hesitanted a bit before taking the pills from the girl and swallowing them dryly. You could tell he was just trying to act all cool about it, but it was obvious swallowing the pull whole like that made him gag.

Idk the title yet man 🤷‍♂️Where stories live. Discover now