Love Grows

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     The next morning, Felicia woke up feeling rested and energized. Donning a pair of black and red shorts with white stripes down the sides and a matching shirt she finished tying her shoe laces. She was ready for a run, her body needed to stretch and move. It was practical begging for it.

     Throwing a white hat on and her earphones, Felicia made her way down the stairs. When she had made it halfway down, she heard two men speaking, and she stopped to listen. She didn't want to eavesdrop, but her dad hated when she interrupted him. Her walking past him as he entertained a guest was his view of interrupting. So Felicia waited for them to wrap it up.

     She could tell by the position of the voices that they were standing at the front door, so she figured their conversation wouldn't take long. Felicia leaned against the wall and crossed her arms as she listened closer.

     “I'm sure he wouldn't be stupid enough to come here, but just in case we have to cover all our bases. If you do see him, just call the number on the card I gave you.”

     The man sounded to be in his late thirties like her parents. The voice wasn't familiar but had the same authoritative quality that the police officers had in the mountains. Felicia wondered who they could be talking about.

     “If he comes here, he'll have one hell of a surprise waiting for him. I don't want some troubled kid around my girls.” Jared had spoken with venom as if he were talking about some hoodlum who ran around vandalizing everything.

     “I understand that, Mr. Ledger, but I don't recommend any sort of violence towards a kid unwarranted. We don't believe him to be dangerous. He's still just a witness as of now. Like I explained a minute ago, we're just worried he could lead the perp to your daughter if he is connected to him in any way. Just give us a call if you see him or anything suspicious and let us handle things.”

     “We'll see.” Jared replied just before he shut the door a little harder than necessary.

     Felicia's mind was spinning with questions. Were they talking about Delirium? Why had they let him go if they were just going to search for him again? Had they let him go, though? Or did he escape? She was certain a demon wouldn't play their games for very long before he up and left. It's not as if they could stop him even if they tried.

     Felicia had to force herself not to run down the stairs. She didn't want her dad to know she'd heard of any of his conversation, but she hoped he would stop her and fill her in.

     “Felicia, come here.” Just as she wanted, Jared had called for her as soon as he heard her come down the stairs.

     “Yes, dad?” Pretending ignorance, she looked up at Jared with an innocent expression on her face.

     “Where do you think you're going?”

     “For a run.”

     “Not today. Go back upstairs.” Jared pointed up the stairs as he glared at her.

     “But why? I always go for a run in the morning.” Felicia was annoyed he wasn't going to let her leave, but even more so that he didn't seem about to tell her anything she wanted to hear.

     “Because I said so. You're staying inside for now. Also, if you happen to see that weirdo with the horrible dyed white hair, tell me immediately.” Jared turned as if he were about to walk away.

     “Wait. Why? Am I grounded or something? And why would he come here? He has no idea where I live. He doesn't even know what city I'm in, let alone what neighborhood. And isn't he still with the police?” Felicia was going to try and drag some answers from her dad one way or the other. She was leary to push too hard. However, she didn't want to prick his anger.

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