The Deal

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     Felicia was worried about what her sister wanted to talk about as she eyed the binder Paris carried. “What's up?” Felicia turned so she faced her sister fully.

     Paris grinned like the Cheshire cat as she pranced over and plopped on Felicia's bed, the binder in her lap. She crossed her legs as she locked eyes with Felicia, “I know who you've been meeting up with every day.” Paris watched as the panic slowly crept into Felicia's eyes, “How do you think dad will take it when he finds out you've been with that hot, white-haired boy?”

     “I don't know what you're talking about.” Felicia took a deep breath as she forced herself to remain calm. Her eyes darted to the binder, then back up to her sister, who looked like she'd just won the lottery.

     “Oh? We're going to play that game, are we?” Paris grinned wider as she sat forward and placed the binder on the bed between the two. She watched Felicia as she opened it to the first page. Paris said nothing as she allowed Felicia to look at each and every picture that was nestled inside the plastic covers.

     Felicia's breath caught in her throat as she saw picture after picture of her and Delirium. There was a picture of them at the ice cream parlor just before they went inside and one of her feeding him. Another showed her wiping ice cream from Delirium's lips. Felicia blushed as she thought about their intimate moments being observed by Paris and captured forever in these pictures.

     Anger flared up inside Felicia as she realized she had seen Paris at the ice cream parlor but couldn't find her to confront her. Had she caught up with her, she could have ended everything before it got started. Why hadn't she been brave enough to go into the man's bathroom?

     Paris turned the page so Felicia could see the pictures of them at the park feeding the ducks. Her eyes locked on the photo of Delirium with his finger under her chin and his tongue lightly flicking her lips. Felicia flushed so deeply she thought her face was on fire. How dare Paris ruin such a beautiful moment and photograph it. Felicia wanted to strangle her sister as she forced her eyes to the next picture.

     Delirium had his arm draped over Felicia's shoulder as they watched the elephants, Felicia holding Delirium's arm as she was trying to get him to pet the animals. There were so many pictures of the two together that Felicia had no words. Paris kept flipping page after page, showing she'd watched everything that they did. She even had pictures of the carnival when Felicia fed Delirium the funnel cake that he hated. Picture of him throwing darts as Felicia clapped and cheered him on. The small kisses they shared on the ferris wheel.  Everything.

     “So, are you still going to deny it happened?” Paris smirked as she watched the horror and anger rolling around in Felicia's head.

     Felicia jumped from the bench and snatched the binder from the bed and held it to her chest as she yelled at Paris, “How dare you! This is personal! You had no right!”

     Paris just laughed as she pointed to the binder, “You can keep that if you want. I have plenty more. I'm not stupid enough to show you my only evidence. One wrong move, and I give a binder to Daddy.”

     Felicia dropped back onto the bench as she held the book tighter, “How did you know?”

     “I saw the message on your window since you were too stupid to at least close your blinds to hide it. If you want to keep secrets, learn to clean up the messes.” Paris scoffed at her as she leaned back on her hands and crossed her ankles, “It wasn't hard after that. When you were sleeping, I snuck in and downloaded an app on your phone to track you. I could see where you were at any given second.”

     “But why? Why do you care if I'm with him?”

     “Because you need to learn when something is out of your league. That boy is definitely out of it. He's wasting his time with a nothing like you when he could have this.” Paris ran her hand over her curvy body, “You don't deserve such a prize, Felicia. If people see a boy like that with you, it makes me look bad. My men are always supposed to be way hotter than yours. You're tipping the scale in the wrong direction, so I'm correcting it.”

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