paint spill

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YO, author here, obviously... anyways, I'm not sure if anyone will recognize me but I have an old account with Golden duo content mainly and BOY will i never touch that freak of an account ever again, find it? ignore it, I never wanna hear about that anymore, I've changed, I swear:[
Anyways, I hope you sillies will enjoy this


Today was like every other day, Tommy sat at his desk, hand at his keyboard though barely even tapping on the keys

He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he looked out the window, it was half past one and he hasn't even gotten anything done

Tommy looked around his room for a moment before deciding to get up from his seat, letting out an audible groan as he walked out his room to the small kitchen in his apartment

Grabbing a glass cup, he was about to pour water in was quickly interrupted by some clanking sound by either metal or plastic, or both

 Tommy ignored it but there it was again "god, how clumsy was this.. person anyways??" Tommy thought to himself, shooting his head up as he walked over to his front door with a frown

"I swear to the gods if they-" Tommy muttered to himself, about to start yelling at the person but then paused at he noticed them as the other door picking up some small paint containers with a few opened and very much spilled

The other blonde was very much- inaudibly- muttering to themselves, two bags next to them with a suitcase just behind their back. One of the bags were slightly opened with a canvas sticking out and some spray bottles within it too, all pretty messy and unorganized

"oh. An artist. Great" Tommy thought, standing there a little to long just for the new person to notice him

"what?" They said with a tone of indifference making Tommy blink a few times

"Eh? I-" The blonde stiffened for a moment before speaking up again "Nothing, just heard something and uh, need help?" 

"ew ew, why did you say that, Tommy you idiot.. stupid social-fucking-interaction" Tommy could've swore he just physically cringed at himself, because he did

the other paused, eyes darting towards him "huh? I mean sure, I suppose I can use some help" They said, looking up Tommy for a a few seconds too much then back to the fallen paint containers

"Greattttt-" Tommy faked a smile, extending his t's before he helped the purple hoodie wearing guy... he really to ask their name honestly..

Tommy paused as he closed the containers and gave them back to the mask wearer guy or whatever their name was called

"hello by the way, name's Tommy" He said, placing his hands on his hips, trying to be the most polite that he'll ever-fucking-be

"Purpled" the guy- purpled- said, his tone kinda on the monotone side... just really bloody pleasant to talk too.....

"Purple...ed?" Tommy muttered in a questioning tone, like who the fuc-

"yeah, like, Purple but with a 'D' at the end"

"oh... alright"

Tommy sure met people with weird names like his two other friends 'Tubbo' and 'Ranboo' both weird people in general but he wasn't complaining because they were cool as much as they were weird

"Um anyways, see you whenever" Tommy quickly said, not letting the other guy get another word out as he rushed back to his room with a small groan

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