Writer's Block

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It's me again, just wanna say, I do NOT have a schedule but I'll try to update every week(sunday/monday mainly) cause I'm soooooo nice <33 (also the title is what I am right now silly)
Anyways, onwards with the story


Tommy was laying in bed scrolling through his phone, nothing much really happening as per usual

He sighed softly, putting his phone aside before staring at the ceiling with barely anything on his mind

He honestly can't even think of a single story except the one he made last night which unfortunately sucked, even on his standards

The day was bright, shining through his curtains though too lazy to even fix them as he proceeded back on scrolling on his phone with sheer boredom

He could visit the new neighbor but... Eh, it was way too much social energy and he was drained

Oh how Tommy wished it was that easy to even interact with another human being

But sadly

It was not

Tommy blinked, sitting up from his bed before groaning, stretching his arms out and finally deciding to do something semi productive

Which was make coffee, one the few things that'll he'll never stop loving

And alas, arriving to his coffee machine

It was broken

Tommy felt his eyes twitch, staring at the machine


Tommy whined, falling on the ground, groaning loudly

Tommy stared at the ceiling once more then getting up and walking back to his room "Puffy's... Yeah, I can just go to Puffy's Cafe" he muttered to himself as he grabbed his bright red hoodie and changed his pants as he grabbed his wallet and phone before walking out the apartment

Walking out into the hallway was nothing special, just plain beige walls, dull red carpet that extends throughout the area, doors painted a darker brown color with numbers labeled on it

Honestly? Just add some blood and make the lights dim and it'll be a horror show

Is what Tommy would always think whenever he walked down the corridor

As he made his way to the elevator, he once again saw the guy from yesterday, wearing the same purple hoodie.. Was it? He couldn't tell, it had a little different design but Tommy could honestly care less

Watching as Violet or whatever his name was walk into the Elevator, he joined in right after

Tommy didn't want to speak though, why would he? If he gets to suffer from awkwardness, then so should the other

Standing in the lift for gods knows how long, he immediately rushed out once it opened, leaving the ash blonde behind, staring with slight confusion

Once outside, he walked towards his favorite cafe "Puff and Chu's Cafe" run by his other favorite people, Niki and Puffy, a silly couple is what he liked to think of them

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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