Story #3

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My last thought "Seriously?" as we (Me and my Best Friend Forever All Together Love aka BFFATL or Sophia) fell down the waterfall grabbing tight on our boat, and possibly screaming (I think people might have heard me all the way to Korea! Even though this is the Amazon River!) We went head first to the water. I suddenly panicked ' if there are piranhas! Or sharks! Or strange dolphins which are pink and are 200 kg!' I must have said that out loud because I heard Sophia yelling "There are no such things as sharks in here!"

I sighed and now, I noticed we came out of the water yay! But my way too adventurous friend said "What about we sleep in the jungle!" I thought I heard it wrong "Excuse me? Who are you and what did you do to my best friend?" When I heard her say "What about we sleep in the jungle!" For me this is " Come on let's sleep in the jungle and get eaten by the jaguar or snakes! It will be fun!" Then I heard the real Sophia say dramatically "Muwahahahaha I am the evil hacker!!! Nah JK" (JK is short form of 'Just Kidding') "But can we please sleep in the jungle??? It is much nicer than eaten by the piranhas!" I thought 'Yea, it would be much nicer to be eaten by the jaguar!' I moaned "Do we have to?"

"Of course! We can toast marshmallows on the campfire..." She said as if imagining the taste of the gooey marshmallow.

"And get eaten alive by the mosquitos" I reasoned

"Look only one night and we go. Ok?"


I really didn't want to do this! I just want to sit in my "garage" aka book space and read books! I can't believe my kindle is out of battery! I charged it like, 1000 times! It was so hot it burned my fingertips. We made a campfire and toasted our marshmallow 'Well this isn't so bad' I thought. Until.... "My homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and checked my bag. I saw that my homework was dripping wet "Uuuuggg!" I waved my fist at the waterfall "You! Mr. Waterfall! Destroyed my homework! You're under arrest!" "Ummmm... YUL? I don't think the "Mr. Waterfall" will reply." Sophia muttered.

I picked whatever that came into my hand. An apple. I threw it into the Waterfall and I heard a thunk. I thought 'That is so weird. I thought we couldn't hear very, very, very, very hollow sounds underwater!' Then I figured out why we heard it. "Sophia! There is a cave behind the waterfall!" I scrambled to the waterfall and like I thought! I saw a mysterious cave "Whoa!" Sophia exclaimed. I heard strange noises deeper in the cave. I walked toward the sound and.. "A Dodo bird!" I saw the plum bird who was extinct for.. I don't know! A lot of years! I saw the Dodo bird slip through a crack. And... It brought me something. An egg! One of the Dodo eggs! "Thank you Mr. Dodo or Ms.Dodo! I shall treat it nicely." I could swear it smiled and it disappeared. We went back to our home saying nothing about the waves of the river. It was so fast the Dodo egg almost fell off! Few months later I saw no egg, but a cute Dodo baby was sitting on the spot where the egg was.   

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