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The sun's rays are beating down, warming my skin with its heat

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The sun's rays are beating down, warming my skin with its heat. The sky is a beautiful blue with scattered clouds giving us a break from the sun's blaze every now and then. A light, cool breeze blows, and I relish in the feel of it lightly grazing my skin, making it even more of a gorgeous day. Even the waves seem to be on the gentle side with just enough power to glide a beginner surfer across the top of the water. It's the perfect day to learn how to surf, without a gray cloud in sight to kill the joy of it.

But what I love the most about this place is the crystal clear water. I can see right down to the ocean floor. It looks so clean and filled with life as schools of little different vibrant fish swim around my feet. It even offers comfort to anything lurking around or beneath me that may be dangerous. That is a big deal to me as I know the dangers that live in the ocean. I fear something big with teeth coming after me for a meal. Having that thought now, in waist deep water, causes a tremble to flow through my body and my eyes start to scan around looking for anything big with a dorsal fin.

Dear god, please keep jaws away.

I definitely shouldn't have let my thoughts go there right now. Especially since my heart rate has spiked. That was really dumb on my part, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to get out of the water as fast as possible. But I don't want Adrian to think I'm some kind of crazy nut job that's freaking out over something that's not even here. At least not that I can see.

I swallow hard. Ok, I just need to calm down. I can do this. I close my eyes and begin to talk myself down as I focus on trying to relax my now panic state. You're not alone, Adrian is here with you. You can plainly see there's nothing scary around us.

Good god just listen to myself! I need to get a grip! Maybe I am some crazy nut job.

I should probably stop watching Jaws. It's obviously getting to me. But it's a classic and I grew up watching it. It's one of my favorite movies. I can't just give that up because I'm letting my mind go crazy with fear of the reality that sharks are real and they can take a chuck or two out of me. I love sharks and respect them; enough to stay away the hell away from them.

A bigger wave comes, making me jump out of water before it reaches me to keep my head above the surface. I keep a hold on to the surfboard that's in front of me. I've never surfed before so this should be fun. I let the excitement I felt earlier fill me once more as I force myself to concentrate on the task at hand. Adrian's going to teach me how to surf. I'm excited but also nervous at the same time. This can end up being a total disaster on so many levels. I must be bat shit crazy for trying this. But, what the hell, you only live once right, better make it the best life well lived.

I startle as I feel Adrian's finger tips glide against my waist. The touch intensifies my nervous feelings, causing me to gasp involuntary as I feel an electric pulse course through me. I freeze up, completely locked in place. My heart is beating so erratically, I should be concerned about me having a heart attack. But I know it's unlikely as I'm young, healthy and very much in shape. Goosebumps break out across my skin just as his bare, sculpted chest comes into contact with my bare back. The salty water rocks me back, pushing me more into him and our bodies begin to rub together in a way that would cause me to be soaking wet between my thighs, if I wasn't already waist deep in water.

I grip the surfboard tight with both my hands trying hard to play off my reaction as if I'm just nervous to try surfing for the first time. Not completely untrue, though.

"Relax." He murmurs, his lips by my ear. "You have nothing to be afraid of." I can't help but feel like he's referring to himself.

"Is that so? I beg to differ. I believe there's lots of things for me to be afraid of; including you as one of them." I let my mouth run openly with my thoughts.

He remains silent as his hand moves from my waist. He wraps both his hands around mine and works my fingers free from the board. I force myself to focus on my breathing, trying hard to keep it steady. He turns me around so I'm now face to face with him. I feel exposed to him. All my feelings there, in my eyes and he's able to see it all. He lifts me out of the water and sets me on the surfboard as he nestles between my legs. I stare into his orbs as he stares back into mine with such a hard intensity. It's like he's willing me to comply, or maybe, believe?

"You don't ever have to be afraid of me. If there's anything I can promise you it's this; I would never do anything to hurt you. Someone so precious and beautiful deserves to be loved and cherished."

A knot forms in my throat at his words. I feel the pad of his thumb brush where my bottom lip is supposed to be. I hadn't realized I was biting it. Desire flares up in his eyes. He wants to kiss me, and I can't hide the fact that I want to kiss him. I release my bottom lip as he moves in to take what he wants. The electric pulse goes into overdrive as it radiates throughout my body, causing fear to grip my heart.

Everything in me is screaming to run. Telling me I should be running. But...I don't want to.

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