006 no surprises

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—'006 no surprises'—

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—'006 no surprises'—

The next morning came, Thomas was laying in his dirty, old hammock which was hanging from a branch above him, it swaying side to side time to time. For some reason he couldn't forget the conversation he had with Lilith, why did she take it so personal? He thought to himself, but all he could do was wash that memory away.

He took a deep exhale before jumping out the hammock, he was definitely in a happier mood than yesterday, and he could definitely feel his body again. He let out a loud yawn, running his hands through his hair, making his way to the kitchen where frypan was.

As soon as he stepped foot into the kitchen the smell of Frypans fresh stew filled his nostrils, making him let out a deep breath of relief. He relaxed his body before taking a seat where Newt and Chuck was but surprisingly Lilith wasn't here, neither was Minho.

He took a plate from Frypan who was holding it out toward him to take, placing it gently onto the table in front of him. He grabbed his fork and knife, as he then started to devour the food, mmm.. he thought to himself, throwing the stew into his mouth like he hadn't eaten in days.

His stomach grumbled as he continued to ingest frypans amazing stew. Newt and Chuck did the same devouring their food, chucks face covered in left overs.

"You keeping that for later?" Newt asks, nodding his head towards chuck in a jokingly, sarcastic way. Chuck doesn't even reply as he continues downing his food.

Thomas couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle, covering his mouth to hide the food in his mouth.

A few hours had went by like a flash of lightning, and it was now raining in the Glade, everyone was standing underneath a shelter, Thomas leaned over a long stick in front of him, his elbow keeping him up. He was starting to get a little worried now that Lilith hadn't been seen still, where the hell is she? He thought to himself, tapping his finger on the stick he was leaning on.

The feeling of dread and worry was starting to rise inside of him, shivers running down his spine, he shouldn't even be this worried about her, she was probably perfectly fine, but the fact Minho wasn't here either was putting way more weight onto him.

So, Thomas decided to start asking people if they had seen Minho or Lilith, he went around the whole glade, not even giving the slightest care in the world that he was getting drenched in the rain, he needed to know if Lilith was okay.

He had asked quite a lot of people, more than enough, the only person he hadn't asked was Gally who was leaning up against a wall, his large arms crossed over his chest with the same grumpy, intimidating look on his face.

Thomas stared directly at Gally for a moment, considering if he should go and ask him or not, knowing that ever since he had been in the glade, the slightest thing he had said to Gally had pissed him off and started a huge argument or even a punch to the face, come on, don't be a baby Thomas, he told himself. He took a large exhale out, his body tensing up a little, he stood still for a moment longer before making his way over to Gally.

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