Obliviate - Chapter 5

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~Trigger Warning! explicit violence/Abuse/ descriptions of bodily fluids (esp. blood description on page) ~

~Your POV ~

Almost two weeks past since my last encounter with Tom. I wonder what he is up to after classes, he is never to be soon on the grounds of hogwarts at any time outside his class hours. 
Albus gave me the task to watch what he does, but how should I do it.. I can't just walk up at him as if he is my friend, I barely know this man and vice versa. Despite the fact that apparently, we went to school aroun the same time.. which I strangely enough do not recall. 
I'm sitting on my couch since hours thinking about wether or not I should make my way towards his chambers. I hear a noise at my window, suddenly a letter flying in, it opens by itself, "Eva, come see me, I am waiting in the boathouse." I hear the voice of my husband say.
Eyerolling I wear my robe as I make my way, I know it's probably not a good idea, but he probably want to apologize and after all I have spent half of my life with this man. And I should tell him my decision on leaving him. It's no good for either of us and we are both better off of each other. 

Upon reaching the boathouse, I scan the area for him, the cold night air sending shivers down my skin

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Upon reaching the boathouse, I scan the area for him, the cold night air sending shivers down my skin. It's October, so it's no surprise that it's getting colder, with the water around only adding to the chill. As I cautiously approach some of the boats, Theo speaks, "You really came." Facing him, I nod once, "You seem surprised."
I can sense his regret for what happened, but I believe he knows our time together has come to an end. It's the best thing for both of us, isn't it? As I study him, contemplating how to express myself, he reaches for my hand, gently rubbing his thumb on the back of it. "Eva, I want to apologize. I went too far, and I realize it. I should have valued you more than I did. I should not have hurt you," he says. Looking up at him, I know it's true.. The physical pain he caused was horrible but it truly hurt my soul. Being treated this way by someone I have known for half of my life is painful.
"Theo, I... I accept your apology," I say, noticing a glimmer of hope in his eyes, quickly dimmed by my next words, "But... I don't think I can continue this. Let's face it; things have been strained for years. We have both settled for the life we have. I believe that if we move on from this marriage, we will be in a better place." Despite feeling sorry for him, I express my decision honestly. "I know you came a long way to mend things between us, but there's nothing left to fix. After what transpired between us... Theo, I just can't." As I finish speaking, a sharp pain grips my heart, causing me to momentarily halt my breath.

His expression changes gradually as I speak, his hand squeezing mine with force. "You whore. You've been with him, haven't you?" he accuses, squeezing my hand so tightly that I let out a faint cry. "Theod-- ahh--" - "NO, YOU BE QUIET! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK. I MADE ALL THIS EFFORT TO HELP YOU, AND WHAT DO YOU DO?" he yells, pulling me towards him with a strong grip on my hand. Despite my determination to resist, I cannot escape his hold. He hisses in my face, "And what do you do? You want a divorce? Do you know who I am? Do you know who I work for, Eva? You will lose everything, including your reputation." His threats scare me; he is willing to take everything, even the money that is mostly from my family.
He pushes me against the wall, demanding a response. I look at him in shock, still unable to comprehend his behavior. Is this the man I married? Though it was an arranged marriage, he had always been normal. I stare at him, not moving, which seems to provoke him further. He pushes me harder against the wall, causing me to snap out of my shock. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, THEO?" I push him away suddenly with my wand, and he falls into one of the boats. "You used to be a different man - look at yourself now! You cannot control me, Theodore. You never could."
Losing my balance, he drags me into the boat, and as I struggle, I push my palms against his chest, realizing that my wand has fallen into the water. LET GO! I SWEAR THEO I WILL-" He hisses in my ear, his breath warm on my skin, "You will what huh? What will you do without your wand..?" He rips my coat and roams his hands on me, god how can he be like this. I fight his grip wildly but he is just too strong. Eventually I catch myself getting weaker and weaker, my hands stopping to flinch his collar. He kisses me messily, I close my eyes mumbling underneath his touches, "You will not get me back .. not like this.." He pauses and slaps my face hard, I feel pain over the left side of my face and something warm running down my nose. Bastard. I already gave up. I think of every possibility as a sudden wave of anger overcomes me I hit my head against his, startling him he backs grabbing my hair, I flinch feeling being pulled back as he hold his wand against my cheek, "I will obliviate you. This way you will never know this happened."
My eyes widen as I hear his words, filling me with so much anger that I feel like I'm heating up. I grab his wand, almost breaking it, and he lets go of my hair only to strike me again. A sharp pain shoots through my body like lightning, making me dizzy. I can barely see him as I roll off the boat, desperate to reach for my wand. Sinking into the water, I run my fingertips through the sand and stones below, but my vision is too blurry. I can't seem to find it. Glancing up, I see Theo leaning over the boat, his hands catching me just in time as I retrieve my wand. Using it against him, I push him away, and he suddenly vanishes into black smog.

As he loses his grip on my arms, I am left almost drowning, my vision now reduced to a small black circle. Gasping for air, I struggle to the surface, my lungs burning with the need for oxygen. The icy water numbs my senses as I desperately reach out, trying to find something to hold onto. The night is silent around me, save for the sound of my own frantic splashing. Panic grips me as I realize how disoriented I am, the boathouse now a distant blur in the darkness.
With every ounce of strength left in me, I manage to pull myself onto a nearby dock, my body trembling uncontrollably. The events of the night replay in my mind like a nightmare, each moment etched with fear and betrayal. Theo, the man I once thought I knew, had turned into a monster before my eyes. His words still echo in my ears, his touch a lingering stain on my skin.

As I lie there, shivering and alone, a sense of resolve washes over me. I refuse to be a victim, clutching my wand tightly, I whisper a silent vow to myself - I will not let him win. Slowly pushing myself up, I stagger towards the boathouse, my steps unsteady but determined. The darkness seems to envelop me, but I refuse to let it consume my spirit. With each breath, I gather my strength, my mind set on confronting the darkness that had threatened to swallow me whole.
As I reach the outside of the boathouse, a glimmer of moonlight breaks through the clouds, casting a faint glow on the water's surface. I pause, my heart pounding in my chest, my vision still blurry.
With a steady hand and a resolute gaze, I raise my wand, the magic within me pulsing with a newfound power. The air crackles with energy, a spark of light igniting at the tip of my wand.  The magic that flows through me is a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of hope in the darkness. As the light grows brighter, casting shadows that dance across the water. 
I don't know why I did this as it really drains me... but the mix of anger and disorientation takes off my ability to think rationally... It's so cold... so cold. I realize I have to go inside, warm up, or I will end up dying in the cold. I can't apparate because I'm too weak, so I slowly somehow make my way up the stairs, leaning against every wall I find to take a break. Finally reaching the last stair, I let myself fall against the wall across myself, leaning before continuing my way through the viaduct. Seeing a figure approaching me, I raise my hand for help. I feel I lose my balance and vision all at once, hearing my heart pound in my ears faster and faster as the person approaches. I lose sense of reality and I feel like I can just let go and lay down. "Are you okay?" a familiar voice says before I lose my stand.. concern evident in his voice. I try to respond, but the darkness creeps in, swallowing me whole. Falling on the ground harshly, a dull bang is the last thing I hear as I hit the ground.

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