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It had been cold and dark that night, the mood hidden beneath thick, black clouds. I didn't think anything of it, though. This was my vacation. I had always dreamt of seeing the UK, the place where my parents met. The details aren't easy to remember, they're rather muddled together and it hurts to try to concrete. But, that's what the police wanted. Someone had stolen my purse with my ID and whatnot, hitting me over the head as they fled. All I had done was step off of the boat, since I've always enjoyed the sea and had a paralyzing fear of heights. Perhaps they hated the idea of foreigners? What good will currency from Anosova due them? The only place outside of my home country that accepts our money is the USA.

However, it turned out that a minor concussion and a missing hangbag were the least of my worries.

Later that night, my assaults returned. Again, I couldn't see their faces. I only knew that there two of them and that they were both male. The taller one, the one who hit me earlier, still held what appeared to be a brick. All I could makeout in the dim light was his brilliant white teeth as he sneered at me.

"Looks like I'll have to hit you harder this time," he commented, chuckling darkly.

They must've been younger than me because they were faster and much more agile. Before I could scream, the shorter one had my arms pinned behind my back and my stomach on the chilly beach's sand. He sat on me, straddling my backside.

"Maybe we can play with the chit when we're done?" he mused, his voice nasally.

"And leave our DNA? Be smarted than that!" it sounded like he hit the other one, a loud smack coming from above me.

I just laid there, with him atop me, and tried to hold back my tears. Death was coming for me, I knew that and crying wasn't going to save my life.

At least it was over quickly, one smack of the brick killed me as he brought it down with all his might. After that, I felt like I was floating. I was. I floated above the scene as they dragged me, taking me to a secluded place in the nearby woods to bury me. They even put a flower on my grave.

But, that's just where my story begins.

It gets so much colorful.

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