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     He wasn't gonna tell his parents.  Even when they yelled up the stairs asking him what had fallen, he lied and said he'd knocked his desk chair over.  He stared at her on the floor for a few minutes in bewilderment, then he'd dragged her out of the room and into hers, putting a pillow under her head so she didn't drip vomit onto his parents' carpet.  He did not want to clean that up.
     It'd been almost 4 hours since she'd collapsed and she still hadn't moved.  Bakugo didn't want to say he was anxious, necessarily, but there wasn't something sharp and warm flowing through his blood.  He usually went to bed an hour earlier than this, but he felt like he couldn't just leave her like that.  Clearly, something was wrong, but he knew she probably wasn't dead.  She'd been like this when they were being held hostage by the League of Villains and she'd woken up fine.
     He continued to glance at her every few minutes.  It was hard to focus on the videos he was watching.  Memories flashed through his head that he couldn't swat away.  He was close to slapping himself in the face if it would help.  On top of that, there was now a girl he hardly knew passed out vomiting on his bathroom floor.
     Well, Bakugo reasoned with himself.  He actually did kind of know her.  It seemed he certainly knew a lot more about her than the other people she talked to in her life.  The only thing he couldn't figure out was why.  Why was she so quick to tell him stuff?  Sure, some was her delirium, if that was even real, but there was a lot she shared otherwise, too, when she was fully conscious and functioning.  So why?  It was so childish.  It was strange coming from a girl like (Y/N), a girl so mature she was a professional in her high-demand field at 15, was well known in the community, and generally decimated anyone in her way if she chose, even though she usually didn't.  She was an inspiration to people.

     His racing thoughts are cut off as he hears her murmuring and moaning.  He jumps up from his desk, the jack of his headphones ripping out of the plug which made him curse to himself.  He threw them off, then paused, wondering why he was freaking out so much.  She was alive.
     He rounds the corner of the bathroom to see her slowly sitting up as she walked her torso up with her wobbly arms.  She frowned as her lips smacked together, clearly tasting the vomit still coating her mouth.
     "You good?" he asks, his voice quieter than he thought.  She didn't even glance at him, but he honestly wasn't sure she even heard him.  Her head swung limply back and forth, almost like she was searching for something but wasn't aware she was doing it.  She looked drunk.
     He steps over her, grabbing one of the sticks of jerky out of her suitcase and handing it her.  He stood there, not really knowing where to go.  Her sharp teeth yanked on the piece, easily tearing through the plastic and the meat.  She ate like she was rabid, but maybe she was at the moment.  
     She finished her food, looking almost surprised when she took the last bite.  She reached up to rub her eyes, then stood.  Finally, she looked at Katsuki.  Her eyes looked heavy, lids hardly open as she wobbled on her feet.  She blinked slowly, giving a drunken smile before turning (and nearly falling) into the bathroom.  She washed her mouth out with water, leaned over the sink and spilling water all down her shirt.
     Bakugo frowned.  What the hell was her deal?
     "Hey," she hums.  Despite only speaking one word, he could heard a distinct slur to it.
     "What's going on?" he asks.  His voice was cold and flat but she couldn't seem to discern that.
     "I ate noodles and I puked," she says almost in a whisper.  "I faint when I puke."
     "Uh-huh."  Bakugo sneered his lip at her, stepping around her and through the bathroom to go back into his room.  Finally, he could go to bed.  "Got some early-onset food poisoning nobody else got?" he jokes, but his tone was harsh and unforgiving.  (Y/N) shakes her head and almost falls again in the process.
     "No.  I can't eat noodles.  I eat people."  Bakugo bit his lip, not knowing how much of that was joke.  He didn't want to know, pushing the bathroom door closed quickly and laying down.

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