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     The confused class murmured with themselves as to why all of the cameras had shut down.  The room had little light in it now thanks to the screens going black.  They could just barely see All Might at the podium, slowly turning on his heel, looking anxious or something of the sort.  They had no idea why.
     Suddenly, the door to the building reeled open, smashing into the wall with a loud bang.
     "All Might!"  All the students jump at the shrill scream.  The open door let sunlight shine directly on him, putting him in a spotlight.  "What the fuck was that?"  A girl stomps her way in, and as she entered from the hallway, they were all shocked to see who the number one hero feared so much.  One of their classmates, with (S/T) skin that glimmered in the light on her back.  Her tone carried volumes, seeming to pound into their chests as if she was trying to control their minds.  Yet it was when she was completely silent, arms crossed, chest puffed out, head high, awaiting an answer: that was when the real fear kicked in.
     Her eyes were dark as they sliced through the air, (E/C) irises making it easy to see her glaring directly at their teacher, her nails black and long like claws.  Her (H/L) hair was relaxed as it drifted on the wind, her left side being stark white and right (H/C).  High on cheeks, over eyebags she didn't have, were small marks that almost looked like tattoos.  3 scores under her left eye and 12 tallies under her right.  She was wearing baggy camo pants with a tight black leotard that let her (S/T) hips peak through and a fishnet shrug pulled over her shoulders.
     "Outside," she hissed, spinning on her heel and stomping out.  All Might glances around the room with his grin still plastered on his face and excuses himself.

     "What the hell do you think you're doing?" the class hears her ask.  Venom dripped off her voice as All Might stuttered to answer.
     "I know I should've stopped it sooner, but I know-"
     "I know as well as you do, please do not make excuses," she cuts in.  "I don't care how well you knew he would get hurt, the moment Bakugo-kun set off that canon, you should've stopped him.  These buildings are built quick and in one piece.  A gaping whole through the floor and wall could've sent that whole building crumbling in a matter of minutes.  I'm shocked it hasn't already.  I know you understand their quirks well but you do not understand the arena and that is a flaw that could have been fatal, All Might.  Do better next time."

     After that display, the girl was gone again, with All Might resuming his cheery disposition as he discussed the battle with the class.  That was why as Ashido rounded the corner to the new training site, she was surprised to see the girl standing there.  She was still that same outfit, and Ashido couldn't imagine that was actually supposed to be her hero costume.
     "Oh, uh, hi," Ashido says awkwardly as she walks up.  The girl looks over her shoulder and smiles at her.
     "Hello!" she greets back.
     "Um, I'm Ashido Mina, by the way.  I think we're in class together."  The girl nods happily.
     "(Y/N)."  Ashido raises her eyebrows at the name, no surname in sight.  A silence settles between them before the girl gives a toothy smile.  "Don't stress about the name, just call me (Y/N)."
     "Oh, you're..." Ashido trails off as she points to her mouth.  "Your teeth are like Kirishima's."  (Y/N) only shrugs with a tilt of her head.
     The girls sit in another strange silence for a moment before beginning to devise a plan.  They settled on (Y/N) scaling the piping system in the back to get a vantage point into which room the villains and weapon was in.  As she did, Ashido would head through the front door, beginning her way up.  She would look out for (Y/N)'s form in front of a window to know which floor to stop on.  Then (Y/N) would give her a vague map she would draw on the glass she fogged up with her breath, and Ashido would melt the floor in that general area.  (Y/N) would burst through the window and they would capture the two villains, then one would run to get the weapon.

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