Ignite the Cosmos

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     (Y/N)'s house was cold that day and Bakugo could not be happier about it.  It wasn't even 1 yet and he'd already been training with Takao for four hours.
     He looks up as a door in front of the small hallway opens.  (Y/N) smiles as she waves a hand at him and then flicks the light to the staircase off.
     "Welcome home," she laughs as her eyes scan over his form.  For once, he understood.  He was slumped forward, panting.  He could feel the sweat coating his skin despite the loose shorts and thin red tank top he wore.
     "That lady is crazy," he huffs.  She chuckles as she nods and pushes the door closed.
     "I'm assuming she made you do forms?"  He nods his head lazily.  "Ah, yeah.  Mayu says forms are the foundation of the fight.  Her eye can be quite keen."  He couldn't help but scoff as he fell onto the couch.
     "No kidding."  She moves to the kitchen, bringing out two plates with a massive grin.  Bakugo didn't mind the content huff he let out as she lowered one to him.
     "They're called Shashlik, little different than the stuff you get in Japan," she tells him.  It looked criminally delicious, which was not uncommon for her.  It was essentially kushiyaki, three sticks plated on large salad leaves with grilled meat on them.  His had a few roasted onions and peppers on it, though hers notably lacked all vegetables.
     "Thanks," he hums.
     "And don't worry, I changed gloves and scrubbed the crap out of my hands up to my elbow."  He nods, appreciating her assurance before picking one up.

     She had spent the morning prepping her own food in the morgue attached to her house.  He was sort of glad he wasn't in the house to know it was going on.  Takao was not easy on him, and it kept his mind off of the mildly disturbing necessity and on the stuff she was teaching.  He understood martial arts was often more about patience and self-discipline, but he wanted to know how to fight.  It's not like his opponent would abide by mat rules out on the job.  And of course, he understood that was the point of this, to learn perfect control over his own body and move precisely, but he was still antsy.
     "I'm going to the gym after this.  Do you want to join me?  There's one on the property, it's not far."  He cocks an eyebrow as he finishes the piece.  He tilts his head a bit then shrugs.
     "I probably need to."  She chuckles and he caught the way her eyes glanced down his exposed arm for a minute.  She smiles and pulls her legs up on the couch.
     "Sounds good."

     It seemed (Y/N) inherited all of Takao's ruthlessness.  She was stronger than he'd imagined, absolutely ripping through the machines.  The first few times she set her weights, he thought she was testing her maximums, and then was quickly surprised when that was her reps.
     Even worse, she was talking throughout.  Curse her for even knowing how to exercise the right way.  She did nothing wrong, and if it were anyone else in the universe, Bakugo would be positively pissed.  But her?  He only watched from across the carpeted aisle as she moved.
     There was a comfortable silence as they walked back.  They stopped by the store to grab him something quick for dinner and then to her house.

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