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i awoke the next morning and dressed myself in a pair of brown trousers and a white linen shirt with a beaded lady vest over top. a lady vest is essentially a vest worn so tightly it serves no purpose other than to enhance your chest. it is not a corset and it is quite a bit more comfortable than that but when it is made to fit as tight as it is i find it difficult to smuggle things. not that i am smuggling anything but my father put me up to smuggling anything from the boys that they might have stolen from him.

once i finished lacing up my pointed boots i made my way up to the top of the house where my old nursery was being used as a classroom. Tobias would be studying in the library while Sage and Roden learned how to read and write up there.

i walked into the room and left the door open behind me as i saw Mr. Graves stood with a book in hand.

"Good morning, Lady Cadence." he spoke and i just stood there in the middle of the room. i am not a morning person so i did not appreciate him speaking to me but i gave no response.

the boys came in soon after and i was still standing in the center of the room looking at Mr. Graves with an annoyed expression.

"if you'll sit, we can begin." Mr. Graves said and i scoffed.

Roden sat quickly and he looked ridiculous in one of my old baby chairs.

"you can't seriously expect them to sit in my old baby chairs, Do you, Mr. Graves?" i asked.

"yes. it is Master Graves by the way, now sit." he ordered.

"don't tell me what to do." i spoke as if fiery lasers were pointing straight at him.

"will you at least sit?" Mr. Graves asked Sage.

"I'm not sitting in that chair meant for a five year old. get me a real chair." he responded.

"You are Sage, obviously. I was warned about you. Young man, do not mistake me for one of Conner's servants. I am a gentleman and a scholar, and i will have your respect. You will sit in the chair i have available." he said.

there was a pause as Sage and i were stood in the middle of the room refusing to sit in my old baby chairs. I'm not even sure if i can fit on one anymore and i have no intention of testing it out.

Sage called for Mott and i folded my arms, waiting for what was about to happen. "Master Graves thinks he's not one of Conner's servants. but you are. I need a chair," he said as Mott ducked into the room. "and Cadence wants one too."

i appreciated his inclusion of me in his request although i don't recall ever directly stating that i refused to sit in my old baby chairs. i suppose he was just intuitive, or perhaps it was because we were both stood here cross armed instead of sitting in the chairs like Roden.

"you have one." Mott said pointing in Roden's general direction.

"It's too small. I can't learn that way." Sage argued and i was laughing internally.

"Too bad. Sit down."

"Mott. Please go retrieve a chair for each of us." i asked nicely as i gestured to Sage and Roden.

Mott sighed and left the room. he came back a little while later and with three chairs. two of them were stacked on top of each other and the third chair was much more lavish than the others. i hate to be even more of an inconvenience to Mott but i would have rather had a normal chair.

Mott set the chairs down and i sat in the fancy chair. it was off to the side but i moved it next to the boys. Roden sat on the chair next to mine and Sage was on the other side. Mr. Graves went on with his lesson and while Roden had his eyes fixed to the chalkboard, Sage looked uninterested and sleepy. i found a box of building blocks on a shelf and brought them over to my chair and began building a stupidly tall tower with them until the lesson ended and Sage stood and strode over to me.

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