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The wind was howling outside the army barracks.

Astrid was tucked in my side, her hands tracing the shape of my pecks as I looked up to the ceiling. I had spent so much time here and met the woman I thought I would be with forever here. I thought it would bring back pain, so much pain that it was debilitating, but I brought Astrid here anyway, for the chance of a night of peace, of a night of safety. And instead of pain, the base brought life back into me, because the woman on my chest was the woman of my dreams, and she had agreed to be mine, all fucking mine. And there's no way in hell I would let that go to waste.

"You're thinking."

"I am," I chuckled, shifting so I hovered over Astrid, her eyes glistening in the pale moonlight. She was wearing nothing but my shirt, the white fabric bunching at the tops of her thighs, and those two dog tags that I gave her resting between her breasts, drawing my eyes down without much thought. I never even thought of being jealous that she wore another man's name with mine, and I wasn't now either. Because Hunter gave her hope, even if she didn't realize it, and that hope led her straight to me.

"About what?"

"You," Her face bloomed in the prettiest shade of pink and I couldn't help but smile at her, leaning down to suck on the spot under her ear, a shudder racking her body and her back bowing to reach me, "Just how fucking lucky I am you walked into my life," A kiss was pressed to her jaw, before I started peppering them down her neck, stopping at the neckline of my shirt on her body. "How much I ache to have you all the time."

Astrid was silent as she watched me in that curious way of hers like she was storing away the words in case I ever left. But when I reached my hand up, linking our fingers together and her head rolled to look at the sight, at the tenderness being offered when she had spent so many years not having any, I knew I never would. Peggy was the person for me when I was in the forties, when I hid the parts of me so I wouldn't scare any of them. Whereas, Astrid was an open book, fragmented parts longing for someone to push them together, to love them as she wants to be loved. Astrid was the person for the man who came out of the ice and fought in wars he didn't understand.

I leaned down, capturing Astrid's mouth in a passionate kiss, her fingers squeezing mine tightly as I pressed her further into the mattress, my hips rolling against hers. Her free hand cupped the back of my neck, fingers sliding through the hair at the nape of my neck and I moaned into her mouth, pressing my aching length against her panty-covered core. She was so warm, her body practically melting into mine as I slid my fingers through her hair, smiling when she parted her legs further, my hips settling comfortably against hers.

The wind roared as the storm slammed into the side of the building, but I was too lost in the woman of Astrid King to care. Deft fingers hooked in the sides of her panties, and a silent command was given for her to lift her hips. I rolled the cotton down her thighs, tossing them over my shoulder before I was leaning down, kissing her pelvis, her legs being placed on my shoulders as I kissed her clit, her broken moan the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Astrid's hands slid through my hair as I licked up her slit, moaning against her. "Oh God," Astrid breathed out as I started to slide my tongue into her, exploring her body as I used my finger to rub at her clit. "Steve!"

I chuckled against her core, her legs shaking as I continued to eat her out like she was my last meal. And when her nails scraped my scalp, I let my teeth graze her clit and she screamed as an orgasm washed over her, body trembling as she tried to roll away, overstimulation washing over her. I pulled back, pinning her thighs to the bed before I leaned up to kiss her, and her arms wrapped around my neck to pull herself closer to me.

I felt her smile before she pulled back and ripped the shirt over her head, and I had to pause. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and this was the first time I had seen her fully naked below me. "Gorgeous," I whispered, my hands ghosting across her rib cage, gripping her hips. "So gorgeous."

Astrid's hand was so gentle as she cupped my cheek, bringing my eyes to hers and the tears lining her waterline had my heart breaking because she didn't see what I saw. She constantly saw a monster. "Come with me."

I took her hand, leading her to the bathroom, it was small cramped, and smelled of mildew, but I used a towel to wipe down the mirror, forcing her to stand in front of me. She froze, looking at herself in the mirror, "I-" She whispered, touching her ribs, where a fading bruise was, "I haven't seen myself in years."

I kicked Astrid's feet apart, lined my cock up with her entrance, and thrusted into her with one sharp snap of my hips, her gasp echoing around the small room as she gripped the sink basin. It was heavenly when I slid into Astrid, it was like I was coming home. "You're not a monster," her eyes were closed as I set a steady pace, my hips snapping into hers almost violently, my hands gripping her hips so hard I knew I would leave bruises. "You're not a monster, tell me you're not a monster."

Astrid opened her eyes and I saw the defiance in her pupils, she wasn't going to admit it, she didn't believe it. So I brought my hand up, my palm cracking across her ass cheek and I groaned when the flesh rippled from the impact, "Tell me you're not a monster."

"But-" I slapped her ass one more time, the force making her moan loudly and lean over the sink, "I'm not a monster!"

A red handprint had appeared and I was rubbing my palm over the heated skin, "No you're not."

Astrid screamed as her orgasm took over, pushing up on her toes to try and get away from my cock, but I held onto her, my thrusts getting sloppy and with three more thrusts, I spilled into her, slumping against her back.

We were both panting, sweat sticking to our bodies and making us stick together, and when I kissed Astrid's shoulder I saw her looking at us in the mirror, "Captain America likes to be rough doesn't he?"

Her smirk made me laugh, wrapping my arms around her waist to keep her close, "Only with you baby, only with you."

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We were lying on the bed again, Astrid's fingers tracing shapes on my chest.

I kissed the top of her head, watching the raindrops slide down the window. Astrid seemed at ease now, as I ran my fingers along the small of her back. "Roland," She tilted her head up at me, but her body didn't tense, she just turned her attention to me, "Who was he?"

"His name is Patrick," Astrid spoke, her voice quiet amongst the pounding of the rain against glass, "He was an Agent when I was a kid, a trainer for me specifically, he was my intelligence tutor, arms trainer, and my spy trainer, he taught me and Hunter almost everything we knew," Astrid's arm slid across my stomach, pulling herself tight to my side, "He was a father figure when I didn't have one, he used to sneak me extra snacks at night and read me stories when I was sick," I could hear her smile as she recalled the good times she had with him, "He told me to always fight for what I thought I was right."

Silence overcame us as she finished her story, "Hydra or the FBI whoever is behind this, they're coming after me because I was the only person they were terrified of defecting, I hated them, I hate that program, I hate what they did to my childhood and how they continue to destroy others," My fingers danced up and down my spine, "They killed Jennifer, brutally, and they made me kill the only adult that truly showed me kindness there," Astrid tilted her head up to look at me, "Why?"

"They're scared of you," I hummed, resting my chin on the top of her head when she curled further against me, "You're the one who's unpredictable, who they could never control, that scares them because they didn't have you under their thumb," her fingers gripped my hand, a silent comfort I would always give when she needed. Our fingers laced together and I pressed a soft kiss to the top of her hand.

"I'm scared."

I could tell those two words had never left her mouth, she had never voiced her true feelings so I pulled her tighter, feeling the anxiety bleed out of her body as I crushed her to my chest.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

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