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~ h u m a n     a u ~

~ k e e f e s     p o v ~

Keefe was going to meet Sophie at the spot they had planned, a little bench by the park. He was going to confess that he had liked her since 7th grade, almost six years. They were in He took a seat on the bench and waited. He had come a few minutes early, so he didn't mind.

After 2 or 3 minutes, he heard laughing. He recognized one of the voices as Sophie, and the other voice sounded vaguely familiar. As the sources of the voices rounded the corner, he could see the other face, his best friend Fitz. They were laughing and playfully whacking each other on each other's shoulders.

Keefe didn't know why, but he suddenly felt tears forming in his eyes. Sophie glanced at him, and stopped in her tracks. And with one look, he bolted. He ran back to his car and started it. He drove all the way back to college. The sky was dark, and he was grateful that no one was around. The tears started spilling down his cheeks as he ran to him dorm and locked his door shut.

~ s o p h i e s     p o v ~

"Keefe!" Sophie called after him, running. "Come back..."

"Well, Sophie," Fitz said, offering a small but sad smile. "Do you want to use my car to go and get him?" Sophie didn't know what to say, so she hugged him and nodded. By now, there were tears streaming down her cheeks. She pulled away. She liked Keefe. She loved him. She has for the past five years. She was going to tell him, but he had left. Fitz was helping her decide what and how to say that she liked him.

Sophie and Fitz took off running and jumped into Fitz's car. He started the engine and they drove straight to the collage.

"Thanks so much, Fitz," Sophie said, now smiling. "I owe you."

"No problem," he grinned back. "Glad I could help."

~ k e e f e s      p o v ~

Keefe heard a small knock on the door of his dorm. Great. Just as he thought that things couldn't get any worse. The door slowly creaked open as a soft, feminine voice whispered, "Keefe?" Keefe didn't respond, he just stayed in the position he was it: flat of his stomach, head perched up on his pillow, laying down of his bed. The voice called his name again before he he responded with a simple "what?"

"I'm so... I dunno, Keefe. I'm so sorry..." Sophie said, looking down at her feet.

"No, It's fine. I thought that maybe I had a small possibility at getting that one girl, but it was a long shot, you know?" Sophie looked up, eyes wide. Keefe continued, not even caring about his surroundings. "But the competition is high, when she's popular and has 5 million boys crushing on her, so I guess I never really had a chance." He sighed. "Because I'm just that broken boy who has no friends but that one girl, and she already likes someone else."

"Keefe..." Sophie tried. But Keefe just went on.

"I knew for sure that she liked him when I saw them laughing just a while ago. Slapping each other's arms, grinning like maniacs," he said, giving a small smile to the ceiling. "I knew I would not have any shot anymore, because I could tell they liked each other." He glanced at Sophie and looked away, fixing his gaze back at the ceiling. "Nobody cares about me, that's for sure. I don't know why I even thought that she would like me back. She's so pretty and nice and caring and kind and look at me, a mess who doesn't even know it's place in the universe. I'm this thing that can love but will never be loved back." 

"Keefe, that's not true," Sophie said loudly, startling Keefe. He started a sentence, but Sophie ct him off. "That's not true. There are people who care about you, and some that most certainly love you." Keefe looked at her weirdly, not believing her. But she just continued, smiling. "I would know, because I'm one of them."

And just like that, boom. Keefe's heart grew and filled him up with love and he didn't know why. 

And then he realized: Sophie Foster was kissing him. His hands were glued to his side, and he didn't even know what was happening. Maybe some people cared? Some people loved?

How did that even matter??? Sophie Fricking Foster was kissing him. She liked him back!

She pulled away, grinning. He gave her a tiny smile. She sat down on the bed next to him, whispering, "I love you."

Keefe looked up, grinning. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that."

Another chapter: DONE! 

Lol that was actually not bad...

Listen to "loml" by TayTay Swift ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

It kinda sorta fits the theme, idk why...

lol byeeeeee

sophieswiftie → out!

word count: 838 words

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