Chapter 3

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Omniscient Pov (Present day)

Megan had fucking had it.

The beauty had been pissed off ever since she woke up from a glorious night of fun with her girls and discovered a fucking citation taped to her door. She couldn't believe Beyoncé had written her up. She had thought the girl would at least give her a pass due to it being her first night on campus. After all Beyoncé did tell her to go crazy, why was she so mad that she had listened?

Then there was the matter of Beyoncé being attracted to her. She had begun to think that maybe she had imagined the whole thing. After all no normal person would decide to cite the girl the spent all morning undressing in their head. Maybe Megan had overestimated her own allure. The raven haired girl giggled to herself for even thinking she had lost her charm.

Beyoncé must be fucking crazy.

That was the only explanation Megan had. Naturally the girl couldn't go down easily. She was notoriously stubborn and Beyoncé had another thing coming if she thought Megan was gonna let her ruin all her fun. If Megan was being honest the main reason she was so upset wasn't the citation at all, it was the rejection she perceived from it. But she didn't want to admit that.

Megan, Normani, and Reneé had come up with a plan. It was no secret that the trio were among some of the best athletes the university had to offer. They all worked their asses off on the court and in the classroom. If you asked any faculty about any of the three they would always flash you a warm smile before oozing never ending praises for as long as you could stand to hear it. this meant one thing.

They weren't going anywhere.

Beyoncé could bitch and moan all she wanted but the truth was no amount of citations would ever have them removed from their dorm or face any real punishment. It was time for Beyoncé to realize exactly who she was fucking with. The trio had decided that they would push Beyoncé to her limit. Each night for the last three days they've had parties well into the morning. If people weren't stumbling drunk out of their dorm by the end of the night then the girls simply kept it going. Each morning they woke up to a citation and each day they had simply tossed it into the trash.

To Megan this was all just a waiting game now. She was sure Beyoncé would crack and she couldn't wait to watch it happen.

Beyoncé Pov

Homicide should be legal.

I was exhausted. I hadn't gotten a good nights sleep in nearly four days. When I cited Megan and her friends I regretted it the very next day. I spent all day pacing in my room wondering if I was too harsh or too petty. All of that died when i laid down to rest after a long day of stressing and heard dancehall blasting through my wall.

It feels like Megan's goal is to torture me to the point of insanity. The partying and blatant drug and alcohol use was one thing, but it was another to so conveniently find out Megan and I share a she was getting fucked against it. She and that random from her party have been going at it like rabbits whenever they can.

I am going to kill someone.

*knock knock*

I flung open the door ready for another agonizing conversation with one of my residents only to be faced with Kelly and Robyn.

"Oh thank goodness please come in." It had been way too long since I had talked to somebody sane and I was starting to lose my mind. "Look at the poor behbey," Rihanna quipped. Kelly said nothing as she walked in and laughed in my face. Kelly and I had grown up together. At the age of five we made a promise to do everything we possibly could together. That's how they both landed at Bayridge. Ironically Beyoncé had been the one to convince Kelly that being an RA would be the best bet for their senior year. She's regretted it every day since.

Robyn was a friend Beyoncé had made much later in life. During their senior year at high school the blonde had run into Robyn trying to cheat off her test while pretending to do her makeup with her mirror compact. Beyoncé respected the determination and decided to let her. They had been friends ever since.

"Can y'all please stop laughing at me this shit is serious!" I was being tortured and all my friends could do was laugh at my expense. "I'm sorry bey but you have to admit it's a little funny." It wouldn't be funny if Kelly was losing all her beauty sleep.

"Alright let's be for real. Bey you know you was wrong for citing those girls on the first night they got here." Kelly was right but I wasn't trying to hear that. One little citation shouldn't mean war.

"Why did you cite them actually? Plenty of people went crazy that night in my building but everyone knows night 1 is a free pass." Robyn was right too. Why were they both suddenly not idiots today? "Well are you gonna answer," Robyn giggled.

I thought back to Megan and that guy. Seeing her with one arm behind his neck and one hand around his throat. I vividly remembered him squeezing her ass in his hands and their tongues wrestled. My face got hot all over again and I was getting more and more annoyed. If i told my friends the truth they'd never let me live it down. But I had to get this out at some point.

"One of the girl's next door...I sorta maybe got jealous after seeing her kiss someone else." I squeaked the words out as I avoided eye contact. I knew they were about to rip me to shreds for being so petty. All I could do was wait for the jokes but to my surprise they never came.

"You like someone?" Robyn asked.

"I don't know if i'd call it like. We just met and she's attractive. I don't know why i'm even acting like this," I groaned.

For at least two minutes they were both silent just looking at each other and then back at me until Robyn dared to break the silence.

"OH THANK GOD." I looked at the both of them puzzled at the smiles on their faces. "Beyoncé we thought your pussy was broken it's been YEARS since you got any. I resorted to praying giselle." I looked at kelly like she had lost her mind. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. Okay maybe a four year sex drought is a bit long but I was busy!

"I've decided." Kelly and I both looked at Rihanna in confusion as she climbed on top of my desk to make this declaration.

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles by the end of this semester you are gonna have that girl wrapped around your finger."

What the fuck did I get myself into?


Chapter 3 complete🧘🏽‍♀️ Beyoncé knows she can't handle no stallion. At least not yet. She finna be fighting for her life poor thing.


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