Chapter 1

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Meg Pov:I am freaking the fuck out

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Meg Pov:
I am freaking the fuck out.

I paced back and forth in my living room as my breakfast grew cold on the table behind me. I was too nervous to eat. I was too nervous to even sit. It felt like every one of my nerves had been tweaked.

"Megan sit down. You're gonna burn a hole in the hardwood," my wife laughed.

"It's not funny! What if I don't get the job!"

"You're going to get it and you know how I know?" Her wife gazed at her affectionately without a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"How?" I muttered.

"Because you are the most capable woman I have ever met. You're so smart and so efficient that they would be idiots not to hire you. You're gonna get this baby."

I sighed as I let her words sink in. Victoria was my rock and she has been as consistent since the day we met. Fourteen long years and she still looks at me with the same sparkle in her eyes.

"Thank you baby," I say, giving her a sweet kiss.

"Now go, you don't wanna be late for your interview."

With that she shooed me out the door giving me a kiss goodbye and another healthy dose of good luck.

✧˚ · .

"Y'all what if I fuck up. What if I get in there and forget everything i've ever done. What if i-"

"Girl shut the fuck up," Normani interrupted.

"I'm serious!"

"Megan you're going to be fine," Reneé assured me. "Just by your resumeé alone you already got this job in the bag. Don't overthink it, just be as excellent as you've always been."

With their words of encouragement I had pulled into the parking lot and tried to steady myself. I wanted this job so badly. I needed it. It would have me and Victoria set for life. We could be comfortable, start a family, grow old in peace. It was everything I wanted.

It was time to put on my best face.

I entered the hospital in awe of how grand everything was. The building was massive and you could tell whoever invested in it had money coming out of their pores. Every wing was carefully decorated and shockingly calm for an active hospital. It seemed that everywhere despite the emergency was as serene as can be.

After taking in the sights I approached the front desk and was led to the upper levels of the hospital where the administrative offices were. Within minutes I was met by a short girl with jet black hair.

"Hi! Megan Monét?"

"Yes, that's me."

"My name is Ms. Eilish but you can call me Billie. I'll be conducting your interview today, follow me please!"

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