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it's time for a hot girl summer. i've been busting my ass off since the last 2 years, given my blood, sweat and tears for this. im done now.

its vacation time, you guys. after 5 whole years, its vacation time. finally. wow. 

WELL, this isn't exactly a 'poetry' book per se, more like prose, poetry, short stories... its a couple of stuff mixed.

like the description says, these are things that seeped into my head on nights where i couldn't sleep. stuff at night always hits 5x harder for some reason- thoughts and feelings alike.

well, of course it'll include some real-life incidents and mention the people involved so i hope that if you find yourself in here, you take it the right way! i wouldn't bash anyone of course (exceptions: assholes) so please, sit back and don't take it too personally :)

well, that's all.

please don't steal my work, translate it or upload it anywhere. it's not even an a/n anymore, i'm serious. i'm so tired of plagiarism, and tbh, terrified. please DM me if anything comes up, if you see my works elsewhere or if you want to put them elsewhere. can't say i'll be flexible but asking would be nice. thanks.

hope you guys enjoy, also feel free to give me prompts/tell me your stories/vent in the comments. i'm here for y'all <3

no consistent updates, because more books are coming your way! 

stay tuned xx

loads of love ❤❤❤

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