Legilimens -Chapter 5 3/4

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~Tom's POV~

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~Tom's POV~

During my nighttime stroll around Hogwarts, a routine I always follow, I pause at the clocktower's highest point, surveying the school grounds. Most of the Professors here seem unremarkable, although there are one or two whom I believe have potential. Professor Orlov, in particular, appears to harbor some undisclosed secrets that time will reveal. I wonder if I'll need to employ a charm or if she will willingly cooperate.
It's surprising that the venerable Albus Dumbledore hasn't approached me yet; he usually appears nearby whenever I am around. A suspicious old man, indeed... He surely is up to something, believing I will not catch glimse.

As I gaze at the night sky, I notice an unusual light emanating from the boathouse. Really?
Do students nowadays truly lack this level of intelligence? In our time, we settled our disputes in the basement, away from prying eyes and ears. Where is the fun if everyone hears the screams.
With an eye roll and a sense of annoyance, I head towards the source of the light. Perhaps I'll deduct some house points from these impudent little troublemakers who seem to think they can afford stupidity.

Lost in thought, I click my tongue as I approach the viaduct. A woman is walking towards me, but I can't quite make out her face. She must be one of the students who was injured.
I tilt my head as she waves and halts in her tracks, with me drawing closer.
"Are you okay?" I inquire, though it's evident you're about to faint, you insignificant nuisance, wasting my valuable time.
And just like that, she collapses to the ground. I approach with a sense of amusement, kneeling beside her to brush some hair away from her face. As I catch a glimpse of her countenance, my breath catches for a moment.
> Misses Orlov, what kind of trouble did you get into, huh?< I gently raise her head, ensuring she is breathing. I need you to stay alive, come on I have big plans for us.
Disgusted, I stroke her face with my fingertips, realizing her temperature must be very low. Who goes for a swim at this time of year? Irritated, I remove my coat, draping it around Eva, carrying her inside as she remains unconscious.
Reaching her chambers I lay Eva down on a nearby couch, I can't help but feel a surge of annoyance at the inconvenience she has caused me. Her presence here, unconscious and vulnerable, disrupts the solitude of my evening routine. Yet, a part of me is intrigued by the mystery that surrounds her. What secrets does she hold, and how might they intertwine with my own plans.. I fetch a blanket to cover her and sit in a nearby armchair, observing her as she sleeps. The dim light from the fireplace casts a soft glow over her features, accentuating the delicate lines of her face. Despite my initial disdain for her interruption, a flicker of curiosity stirs within me. Playing with the ring on my finger I find myself lost in thoughts, observing each and every scar on her face. Quite a trouble maker.. aren't you..
 Maybe she is the key to unlocking the secrets that lie hidden within these ancient walls? Only time will tell, and I am determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.. willingly or not.
Speaking of.. I might as well see what is going on inside her mind, earlier I could not enter her head but now that she remains unconscious I might give it another try.
"Legiminens" I whisper effortlessly and finally there it is, her mind open for me to read.. closing my eyes I see the recents hours of her day, eventually, meeting the thoughts of her husband.. >Oh a little bastard aren't you ..? Insecure as well..Hmm I would be jealous of me too if I was to be as weak of a wizard as you, dear Mister Orlov.  Erasing her memories is a stolen move though, this has already been done.<
Having to smirk I open my eyes and raise an eyebrow at Eva's resting form, >she thought of me, that is interesting.. Wonders where I remain huh.. Hmm too bad I can't read your full mind, whatever you do to hide it, I will break through it eventually.<

With a final glance at Eva, I rise from my seat and make my way to the window, gazing out at the moonlit grounds of Hogwarts, lightening a cigarette as I take a deep breath.
As the smoke curls lazily around my fingers, a sense of anticipation stirs within me. The night holds many secrets, and I have a feeling that the answers I seek are closer than I realize. The soft crackling of the fireplace behind me casts dancing shadows across the room.
I take a long drag from my cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the dimly lit chamber. The events of the evening swirl in my mind, each detail a piece of a puzzle waiting to be solved.. Eva Orlov, a name that now holds more significance than before, lies peacefully on the couch, unaware of the storm brewing within me. How easily I could end her existence..
With a flick of my wrist, I extinguish the cigarette, the scent of smoke lingering in the air.
The time for subtlety and patience has arrived. The secrets of Hogwarts run deep, intertwined with the very fabric of magic itself and dear Misses Orlov knows more than she admits.
I turn my gaze back to Eva, her features softened in slumber, a veil of vulnerability cloaking her true nature.  The game has just begun, and I am determined to emerge victorious..

As the embers of the fire slowly fade into darkness, I stand tall, a figure bathed in shadows and secrets. Hogwarts may be a place of learning and magic, but to me, it is a battlefield where only the cunning and the ruthless survive. And so, with a final glance at Eva's sleeping form, I turn away, my mind already racing with plans and schemes.
I stride through the dimly lit hallways, my footsteps echoing against the stone, a solitary figure shrouded in mystery and purpose. The moonlight filters through the tall windows, casting ethereal patterns on the floor as I make my way towards the forbidden section of the library. The books here hold knowledge long forgotten, secrets that could shift the balance of power within these hallowed halls.
With a flick of my wand, the heavy oak doors swing open, revealing rows upon rows of dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. I move with purpose, my fingers trailing along the spines of the books, searching for the one that will unlock the mysteries that elude me.
As I delve deeper into the forbidden knowledge, a sense of exhilaration courses through me. The answers I seek are tantalizingly close, just beyond my grasp. The whispers of the past beckon me, urging me to uncover the truths that have been hidden for so long.
With each turn of the page, a new revelation emerges, painting a picture of a world far more complex and dangerous than I had ever imagined. The secrets of Hogwarts are not just confined to its walls but extend far beyond, intertwining with the very fabric of magic itself.
And as the night wears on, I find myself on the brink of a discovery that could change everything. The game is afoot, and I am ready to play my part, no matter the cost. Everything come to the one who seeks. 
With a determined glint in my eye, I close the ancient tome , in my hands, the key to unlocking the ultimate truth within my grasp. 

As I step out of the library, the echoes of my footsteps fade into the darkness, a lone figure moving through the shadows with purpose and resolve. I am a player in this grand game of secrets and magic.

 I am a player in this grand game of secrets and magic

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