What Happened Last Night

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"Uggghhhh, what the hell is that noise.Chris, can you please turn the game off for a minute, my head is pounding" Eddie says without opening his eyes

"Um, well I'm not Chris and I hope I never am by the way"

Eddie jumps up from the bed after hearing that unfamiliar voice "Woah, who the fuck are you, and how'd you get in my house"

"Oh now you care about introductions, didn't seem that way last night " the stranger says smiling

"Okay listen, you can cut the Bitchy attitude out and just tell me what happened" Eddie says not liking the fact the he doesn't know what's going on

The guy ignores him and starts trying to get his clothes which annoyed Eddie even further

"Hey!" Eddies snaps, "I'm talking to you"

"We had sex okay! Is that what you wanted to hear" the guy yells back

"I'm not gay, that can't be right, I mean I would ne- , I mean fuck" this is too much Eddie thinks, it's no way I slept with a dude, I've never even been attracted to one, I mean not that I can remember atleast

Eddies starts to realize the guy is trying to hide his tears after he yelled him, not realizing the guy was thinking about how last night was perfect to him, to both of them
"That's not true, you said, you promised you wouldn't regret us"

Eddie screams " I was drunk, of course I didn't mean it, it was a mistake. I gotta get out of here, I gotta pick up my son" starts getting dressed

Wrapping his arms around himself Eddie hears him whisper "Don't you remember? We stayed up all night just talking about our dreams, fears, secret desires. You even told me about your ex Shanon" he cries

Eddie freezes "What did you just say" Hoping that this stranger didn't just say the words of the women he loved

"Shan-" " Shut up, don't you ever say her name in front of me, matter of fact let this be the last time I ever see again. Whoever you are, I hope we never meet again" he says and slams the door out of the hotel room completely missing the broken silent "it's Evan, my name is Evan"

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