Dreams or Reality part 2 (Eddie's Pov)

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After my very cold shower I got dressed in my uniform and checked the time realizing it's 8:59 and Chris has to be at school at 9:45 a.m

"Chris, I'm sorry Buddy, but we're gonna have to do cereal this morning or we're both going to be late"

"Well, you woke up late"

" I did Buddy. How about tonight you pick where we order dinner from"

" Really, even if it's pizza"

"Of course"

" Yay, okay. Well we can go I'm ready" he says and starts getting up from the dining table

"Woah, your breakfast."

*smirks * " I ate a pop tart while you were in the shower"

Shaking my head I could only laugh, and think about how I was ten times worse than he is and I'm forever grateful

"Come on, let's go"

After dropping Chris off, I start to think about that dream again. I can't believe I was such an asshole to him. I wish I could make it up to him. How would I find him, I'm still new to this town. I guess I'll see if anyone at the 118 maybe knows him.

Hell, I've been so stuck on this mystery man I didn't even think about the fact that I'm going to be meeting a new team today. Ughh I just hope they aren't nosey.

*Pulls up to firehouse*
Hmm looks well cared for I guess. Alright Diaz, man up.

Stopping the first person I see  I ask "Hey you know where I can find Captain Nash"

He points to an office door


I go and knock on the door, and a man is sitting there and looks up at me

"Hey you must be my new recruit I'm Bobby" he says shaking my hand

"Eddie Diaz"

"Well welcome to the team Eddie. Let me introduce you to the rest of the team"

We walk into the direction of a Asian man, and a black woman on the couch joking around, they look pretty nice

"This is Chim and Hen"

"Hey it's nice to meet you guys I'm Eddie"

"They both look at me and ask

"Do you model"

I honestly don't know what to think " No it's not really my thing"

" Oh, that came off weird we only asked since it's the calendar fundraiser again and none of us wants to do it, but they need someone for November" Hen says

" Plus your hot" Chim states

I start laughing and thinking how I'm going to actually like this job and the people. Just as I think that's all I hear Bobby yell

" Buck, come downstairs for a moment, we have a new team member I want you to meet"

I hear a voice yell down " Coming"

I start think hmm something smells good

" Smells good doesn't it" Hen laughs " It's Buck's lasagna, looks like you came on a special day"

"Hey guys the food is done, I hear a voice behind me say" I know that voice.

I turn around and lock eyes with him. The one in my dreams, the one I left in that hotel room
" Hi, I'm Evan, but everyone calls me Buck" he says with a smile

What the fuck!

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