The Car Ride (Eddie's Pov)

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I'm so confused. Usually I wouldn't give a damn about some casual sex, but I know my heart is in it too, and that scares me a little since I haven't felt this much emotion for another person since Shannon

Even now, as I take a quick glance at Evan I can't help, but feel this weird urge to grab his hand and hold it as I drive him home. I know he thinks we're gonna go back to my house, but I can't. I just can't

"So, what's your address"

Whipping his head around to look at me Evan starts to smirk " Why, you decide it's easier to go to mines instead" he flirts

"Haha, no. My parents raised a gentlemen and since you've had one too many I'm going to drop you off home. That's what partners do"

" Partners" he whispers and stares at me

Clearing my throat " Umm yeah of course, as a thank you for the invite" I say avoiding his knowing stare. Like he can see right through me

"Fuck you, Eddie!"

I turn to see him wrapping his arms around himself. Like he wishes he was anywhere, but with me. But, it's for the best.I'm a single dad, and I'm straight....right

"Just tell me where to go, please" I whisper out hoping I don't hurt him anymore than what I have already done

" Why do you keep playing with me? Why do you keep making me think you want me? You could have left me at the bar, and I would have been fine. Why? "

I don't have a response ready for him, and honestly I don't even think about the words before they've already been said

"Because, you're mine. I may not be ready to face it yet, but you're mine" I say looking ahead of me, knowing I can't stand those beautiful eyes staring back at me in confusion and hurt.

"357 Chloe drive" he whispers.

We don't speak for the rest of the ride. I occasionally see him wiping his face. I want to touch him, but I don't. Not after the things I said tonight.

As I pull up to his home he starts unbuckling his seatbelt, and as I sit back and watch him I see how tired he looks. I did that, it's the same look Shannon had when I came back from my first time of deployment, and told her I was going to leave her and Chris again.

"Good night Edmundo" he says with a look I can't pinpoint

"Good night Evan" I say softly

I watch him walk up to his door until he gets safely inside. I sit there for another 2 seconds gripping the steering wheel. Feeling like I've caused enough confusion I make my drive home knowing I'll be dreaming about Evan Buckley again tonight

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