Chapter 4 - Widespread

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"Though there may be people who help you now, when you grieve and cry, Zeph..."

"Those people will soon cease to exist."

"And you'll be all alone, by yourself."

"So take this as a lesson, son."

"If you rely on others for your growth..."

"Then you have never truly grown at all."

"Sacrifices for oneself to grow are above anything else."


The sound of the rustling of leather and other essential items filled the air, as Zeph looked through his small, brown bag, seated on the ground as he kneeled down on it, he was on the village's pathway both an entrance and an exit, as his back faced toward's the village entry, one that, internally, he would miss, no matter how long this venture would take, although, the way was still empty nonetheless, no one came to greet him a goodbye, Zeph did not mind it, but deep down he wished that at least news of his short department would be known.

"Everything should be set," Zeph took off his mask, putting it into his back before standing upright, and carrying the miniature bag on his shoulders and back, for once in his life, he relinquished himself of his mask as he felt a strange feeling overtake him, it was neither one of restriction, or freedom, he imagined it as a perfect balance, but in truth, there was no way to describe it, it simply was that it was, no more than that, and in that moment, yet another leaf blew onto his cheek, to which he quietly chuckled, but before he could swipe away, it merely flew off by itself, which was a small, yet essential relief for Zeph.

"...See you later," Zeph walked forward down the pathway from his village, but not before turning around, whilst still walking backward as he gave a small salute with two of his fingers toward the village, with an endearing smile before looping back to his linear direction with his body, but the second he faced that way, he noticed what seemed to be paper, straying from the wind as it dropped in front of him, neatly folded, it came from the direction of the village.

"...Hm?" Zeph commented, in a curious tone as he kneeled down to pick up the paper, before unfolding it all in one go as he viewed what was inside of the paper, which admittedly made Zeph's hopeful expression grow bigger in its egotistical-esque grin as in the paper, written in a handwriting so fine and neat like that of perfection, solemnly with a soft intent, there was a sentence that read as followed, "Farewell, until then." Written by the familiar name of an old friend.


"I'll miss everyone too."


The room was dark and foreboding, not even the sun's light could pass through the cracks of that void as the only thing that illuminated the place was one lone lamp hung from the ceiling, which seemed unforeseeable still, even when the lamp had given its brightness, everything still felt dim, but in that room, a man in an esteemed bandit-like attire, who has seen their days pass until 30, tied to a chair, was forcefully sat on it, as they appeared to be unconscious, before, in a sudden jolt of fearful life, woke up, and upon seeing the infinite darkness, panic, and internal hysteria began to spread as they thrashed around, trying to look for an escape, but to no avail.

They had a feeling of the fate that was coming for them, sweat began to pour, as tears flooded their eyes, it was written on that very contract, it was the promise, they had failed their heist, and they were utterly blown out in such a humiliating and pathetic way, when the man ran away from the village, seeking to hide, before he knew it, his reason for running had been lost, and what came next, darkness, then this place, it felt as though it happened all in one fell swoop as if the devil's grasp took him down to hell all the way from heaven that was never truly there, and now they would perish for it.

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