Secrets - Chapter 6

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(long Chapter - sorry)

~Eva's / your POV~

Realizing I'm in a dream, I wander through a forest, followed by something I can't identify. It feels like the forbidden forest wanting to wake up. I hear owls echoing in the real world. After a few minutes, slowly open my eyes I feel stiff and disoriented.
I realize I'm in my room, confused I slowly sit up on the couch I had slept on. As I pull down the blanket wrapped around me, I notice I'm wearing someone else's coat.. It's too big, too long, and smells good and familiar..  I take it off to have a better loo at it and to my surprise I see a small embroidery inside that reads "Lord Voldemort" and pause.  Who..? 
I scratch my head looking through the room trying to memorize the previous night.
I think slowly I'm becoming dull to it. Theodore's betrayal sinks in slowly, altrough I have accepted his turning. Why this sudden change? I wonder to myself as I continue with my morning routine, despite the pain still lingering in my body.
Dressing myself is a challenge, but I persist, finding comfort in wearing my corset—it feels like a shield, containing all my emotions as I push through without time to grieve. I will endure this, as I always do.

Fixing my makeup, I don my long black robe over my dress, securing it with a waist belt

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Fixing my makeup, I don my long black robe over my dress, securing it with a waist belt. Still pondering about who saved my life the previous night, I stroll through the corridors of Hogwarts, exchanging greetings with students and teachers. Suddenly, I feel a tug on my elbow, pulling me aside. Squinting at the hand on my arm, I instinctively reach for my wand in defense. However, upon looking up at the person's face, I soften at the familiar sight of Albus.
"Albus - You really shouldn't startle me like that," I chide gently. "My apologies, Mrs. Orlov. I didn't mean to catch you off guard so early. I was just wondering if you've had a chance to gather information for me," he says, touching one hand with the other.
Confused, I narrow my eyes and inquire, "What information, Albus? I'm not even sure what I'm searching for. Besides, I haven't seen Mr. Riddle in weeks; he's been absent after classes." Albus, visibly troubled by my words, sighs. "Mrs. Orlov, I know of your expertise. I am well aware of your capabilities. And - I will clarify. Come with me," he says, extending his hand. Hesitantly, I follow him as we apparate suddenly. My stomach churns in discomfort.
Emerging in an abandoned street in london, I lean over, hand on my mouth, as I hear Dumbledore chuckling softly. "I apologize," I sigh, touching my forehead. "Why are we in the middle of ...nowhere?" I ask, noticing a house in the distance. Albus points towards it.
"This is the house where Tom, Mr. Riddle, grew up. I am uncertain whether the darkness originated in this house or if my decision to bring him to Hogwarts was misguided. Perhaps the seed was sown within him there, or it existed from the beginning. Nevertheless," he says, approaching the vacant house with me in tow. "No matter how I tried, whether through time travel or not, I could never pinpoint the exact moment." I remain puzzled, gazing at him.
"I'm not sure I grasp what you're telling me, Profess-, Albus," I say, peering at the house we've halted in front of. "You see, Mrs. Orlov, traveling in time is effective if done with purpose, as you are aware. It appears that I have left myself some notes from the future... and something else lingers here as well," he explains, leading me into the abandoned house.

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