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A thrilling chapter. Warning, Flashback and panic attack, read at your own discretion and please do not read it if it makes you uncomfortable. This is a safe space.


Eyes. Malicious eyes with evil intent were staring at Taehyung and making him freeze all over. He wanted to scream, run away, but it was all useless, because there was an arm preventing him from escaping, keeping him in place and holding him prisoner.

He hated himself for feeling this way. Everything had been normal! When did the situation change?

"-hyung. Tae! Tae Baby, snap out of it, it's a flashback." Jimin. That was Jimin's voice. Or was it not? Was it just a trick from his persecutor to make him feel safe before lunching at him again?

Taehyung wanted to respond, ask the man with Jimin's voice if it was his best friend or if it was just a trick his mind played on him. But he was frozen, frozen in place and unable to move. The demons of his past and the evil looks were locking him, cuffing him to his chair, immobilizing him.


There was a gentle hand cupping his jaw, careful fingers moving up to his cheek. Taehyung felt his head being turned by these gentle fingers, soft and warm against his icy skin. Why was he feeling so cold? All the warmth felt drained out of his body and a cold shiver ran down his spine, making him tremble in his place.

"We have to get him out of here. Shit, he already started to tremble. We gotta hurry." That was Jimin's voice again. Where was the other voice? The gentle, deep but breathy voice with the soothing bari tone?

"What the fuck do you mean? You mean this happens often to him?" There it was, the deep voice again. But why did it sound angry? Taehyung whimpered. He didn't want the man with the soothing voice to be angry.

"Sh sh, my apologies, Sweetheart, I didn't mean to yell. I'm going to lift you up now, Taehyungie, okay? Hang on tight." Warm hands started to reach for him, tenderly grabbing him and hoisting him upwards. Taehyung exhaled for the first time, he was glad the man with the gentle voice and the warm hands was holding him, he felt safe, so he cuddled close.

"Let's go. And try to cover his face, I'm sure Tae wouldn't want strangers to see him like this."

"Where should we go?"

"To the book club's room. Tae needs privacy and a safe space."

"Got it. I got you, Sweetheart, nothing will happen to you."

Taehyung was finally able to nod but then he whimpered, hiding in the kind man's chest, hiding from the world, the past and the evil eyes. He heard voices, whispering, giggling, laughing, mocking him and it all felt way too real.

"You cannot escape me, Taehyung! You think running away like a coward will save you? I will fucking find you!"

"Taehyuuung? Where are youuu? Don't hide from me! Or else I will hurt you! Come out now!"

"You think calling the police scares me? They will get here in 10 minutes. Do you fucking know what I can do to you in 10 minutes? Screaming isn't going to help you."

"S-stop..." a sob freed itself from Taehyung who held his eyes screwed tight, his hands coming down to shield his ears from the flashback, from the dark figure hovering over him, from the man who had followed him, stalked him, hurt him.

A door banged open, causing the poor blonde to flinch violently, hiding in the warm arms of the one carrying him bridal style. Someone ushered them inside before he heard the door being closed again.

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