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Sunghoon's starting to notice that Sunoo's behaviour has become more erratic lately.

It started when he changed his whole attitude towards him in a blink of an eye without apparent reason. Suddenly, he started talking as if they were friends, telling him about his classes and stories about his friends. Sunghoon just stared at him in shock because not only he's not used to the whole "daily conversation" concept, but because this is the same person who clearly shut him out just a few days ago. Maybe all of this was because of the snack he left for Sunoo when he noticed he didn't have dinner. Still, it feels like a strange and definitely foreign dynamic.

The thing about Sunoo nowadays is that he's all over the place. He has been moody for weeks, changing between being nice to Sunghoon " Ni-ki, let him be, he's busy now " to showing spite out of nowhere " if you want to isolate yourself so much at least close the fucking bedroom door ". It's confusing.

Sunghoon opts not to dwell too much on it, choosing to ignore the curiosity of trying to understand his housemate. He guesses Sunoo has some trouble sleeping because sometimes, when Sunghoon is still awake, working on his tablet, seated in bed with heavy eyes but mind full of creativity that yearns to be put to some use, he hears Sunoo walk silently to the kitchen. It's barely audible, there's no doubt he's trying not to make any noise, but Sunghoon's bedroom is the nearest to the kitchen and since he's awake at hours he really shouldn't be (nor should Sunoo), he finds himself attentively listening to the other rummaging through the cupboards.

He's actually getting used to it, finding some comfort on the sound of the others steps and light movements. When he starts to hear Sunoo, it means it's between 3 to 4 AM, and it works like a reminder that he should be resting by now. On those nights, he usually falls asleep right after Sunoo returns to his room. It's ending up to be some sort of "go to sleep" call routine.

Sometimes he leaves some tea on the counter for Sunoo.

Because even if he's trying his hardest not to let his curiosity for the other grow, the fact that he drank it the first time, and left a note thanking him, makes Sunghoon want to help a bit. It's actually nothing, he likes to drink some water before bed so he just boils some extra and makes tea for his housemate, no problem.

It might not be a big deal, but he always likes to wake up and find the mug he left the previous day washed up and set out to dry. It makes him smile in the morning.

Sunghoon is making a mental note to buy more tea, when Sunoo enters the kitchen. It's early, earlier than usual for Sunoo to be up, and Sunghoon isn't sure he wants to acknowledge how he's come to know the others routines and schedules.

"Morning" Sunoo says, words slurring a bit and rough from sleep. His hair is all over the place, spiking in every direction, and it seems like he was at war with his own pillow. One of his eyes is still closed as he tries to accommodate his vision to the brightness that comes from the wide window. "Making breakfast?"

He looks adorable, and Sunghoon turns his head fast to avoid looking at him for too long, but he still catches the marks of the pillow on his right cheek. Cute.

"Yeah, toast..." Sunghoon says, his voice neutral as if he doesn't care much about the whole situation, as if the sight of a sleepy Sunoo isn't anything special. "Want some?"

"Yeah..." Sunoo says, sitting on one of the high stools of the kitchen "with jam"

"Get the jam then" Sunghoon says right away. If there's one thing he noticed about Sunoo is that the other always tries to ask for things and see if he's lucky enough that someone else will make them for him. As if he's too tired to move to the fridge to get the jam himself, or too spaced out to remember things. Or maybe he just wants to be a bit spoiled.

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