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Sunghoon knows Jungwon and Sunoo talked as soon as he sees the latter storm into the living room with a maniac look on his face, taking Jay by the wrist and dragging him to their bedroom. Sunghoon pauses his game to look at them and just chuckles lightly at the action, understanding that predictably Sunoo would be mad about their whole situation and would immediately accept Jungwon's request of obliging Jay to take his call.

He still has a small smile on his face when Sunoo returns to the living room, eyebrows furrowed deeply as he sits on the sofa. Sunghoon silently passes one of the controllers to him.

"Seems like you need to kill some zombies" he mutters carefully. Sunoo expression scares him a bit, even though he knows it's not directed at him. He makes a mental note to never get on Sunoo's bad side. He doesn't blame Jay for not putting up any fight as soon as he saw that Sunoo was mad.

"Tell me about it" Sunoo says as he presses the button to start the game.

They play silently for a while, Sunghoon noticing the way Sunoo's tension seems to lessen a bit as time passes. At some point, they start their usual banter over the game and Sunghoon is strangely satisfied to see Sunoo's smile return to his face.

When Ni-ki returns home, Sunghoon notices that Jay's been gone for at least two hours now and stops the game. Sunoo seems to accept the end of their game session wordlessly, putting the controller on top of the coffee table.

"Do you think Jay left the house without us noticing?" Sunghoon asks in a small voice.

"No way" Sunoo scoffs lightly. "Bet they've been on the phone for hours and hours, talking about how they have been in love with each other for years but too dumb to understand earlier and how they wasted opportunity after opportunity to be happy together" he rolls his eyes as if the situation was the most frustrating thing, and maybe it is.

"Oh, so you knew they liked each other?" Sunghoon asks, straightening his back and widening his arms over the couch. Sunoo follows the movement with his eyes, making Sunghoon feel a bit self conscious, some warmth rising on his cheeks.

"Yes" Sunoo replies, bringing his eyes to Sunghoon face again "Jungwon would vent forever about how perfect Jay is and all. I told him so many times that I thought he felt the same. Seems like I was, obviously, right all along"

Sunghoon chuckles, shaking his head "Obviously"

"I'm very perceptive!" Sunoo says with an earnest expression, making Sunghoon laugh harder.

"I hope they can get their shit together, seriously" Sunoo comments after a while, his voice more serious now. "They just deserve to be happy"

Sunghoon studies his profile for a while before Sunoo turns to him and Sunghoon nods. They silently stare at each other for longer than it would be normal and Sunghoon suddenly feels that a part of this conversation isn't about their friends, but before he starts to think about it, Sunoo speaks again.

"Come with me" Sunoo says as he stands up. Sunghoon immediately obliges without thinking. "We're going to check if Jay isn't crying in his bed"

Sunghoon laughs at that, not able to imagine Jay, usually so poised and in control of his own emotions, crying in bed because of Jungwon.

After knocking twice on the bedroom door and receiving no response, Sunoo leans in, putting his mouth close to the wooden frame.

"Just let us know if you're alive Jay!" he shouts, grinning at Sunghoon who just smiles in return.

"Go away!" Jay yells from the other side. It's strained and quick, clearly he's trying to sound composed.

Sunoo shrugs and shakes his head with a fond smile. "They'll work it out" he says after they agree to let Jay be.

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