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Sunoo drags Sunghoon along some of the still unexplored paths as they decide which way they should go purely based on will. It's liberating, the park is almost deserted and he feels euphoric. They never let go of each other's hand, not for a minute, and Sunoo thinks he should get tired of it, or that he would be feeling the strain on his fingers, but somehow he doesn't. He feels like their hands fit just right. Just like everything else about them, It makes his chest swell immensely.

They're almost approaching the end of the park when Sunoo looks at the left and finds a small path between two large trees. There's no sign next to it but it's clearly well paved so he tugs Sunghoon on that direction. The way is small, so they reluctantly let go of each other hands to fit the space comfortably. Sunoo tells Sunghoon to make sure that he doesn't trip, since they're going up, and it's a pleasant surprise when he feels the others hands come to hold him around his waist, helping him keep his balance while they climb up the small path. He feels Sunghoon's thumbs drawing small circles where they rest, and he doesn't hide the smile that stretches on his lips at the action.

When they arrive at the top, it's clear why this trill seemed so well worn.

The view from the top of the park over the city is incredible. Colourful buildings along with streets filled with people walking around. They seem so small, lost in their own lives, each one with their own story. Sunoo looks at the man right beside him, thinks about how they're building their own story as well. Sunghoon is looking at the view mesmerised, taking his phone out and snapping a few pictures, and it makes Sunoo smile fondly, how the other can always find the beauty in the ordinary things of day to day life. He still remembers how he stopped to take photos of the cherry tree blossoms and it warms his heart as he remembers the project he just saw moments ago. How everything was clearly just as meaningful to Sunghoon as it was for Sunoo. Even if they're so different in so many aspects, it seems like they just click on the most fundamental stuff.

"Look, Sun," Sunghoon says, as he tugs on his hand for attention. "To the left, you can see a river!"

Sunoo looks past the crown of a few trees and he sees it. A patch of clear water with some small boats floating, all filled with people appreciating the weather just like they are. He doesn't know how he didn't notice it sooner, the incredible blue adorning the sight incredibly.

"It really makes the view so much better," Sunghoon mutters as he takes a few more photos. Sunoo carefully takes in at the details from the vast view before them and almost misses it when Sunghoon turns to him, hearing the sound of the camera snapping a few photos. He starts to laugh and leans away, covering his face with one of his hands, the other one already back in its rightful place, around Sunghoon's.

"Hey!" Sunghoon argues, shaking his head. "I'm trying to appreciate the view!"

Sunoo laughs harder, pointing at the city. "The view is in that direction!"

"Who said so?" Sunghoon asks, his brow quirking a bit, a sly smile appearing on his face.

"Don't you dare try to woo me with those pick up lines." Sunoo smiles in return, his chest so full, feeling so adored.

"I thought you were already wooed." Sunghoon fakes pouting as he puts the phone back into his pocket. "You said you were head over heels for me, that you never thought you could meet someone as incredible as I am."

Sunoo shoves him playfully as he laughs, wondering if Sunghoon knows his words couldn't be more real.

"I knew it," Sunghoon continues, a teasing grin evident on his features. "I knew it was all too good to be true... I guess I can take my hand back now."

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