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'Haa, what a great day. This is the life, for which I have sweat and coughed so much!'

Cale satisfied thinks as he hums by taking a sip of sweeten tea.

"Well, when are you gonna leave, human"

Rasheel said with a frown with hidden pride , Cale Henituse came to him for solance not anyone else!

"When that bastard would be caught" Cale said , getting goosebumps of remembering the big museum about him was made by his dear hyung-nim and crazy cloeph.

And they are now thinking of making a church!? That crazy cloeph probably did something to his hyung, or his hyung would never do such a thing!..he thinks..

"Human! Try this pillow, it's much softer than that one!!" Raon enthusiastic said, fluttering his wings.

Ohn pat their younger as Hong jumps on pillows. "Nya!"

Cale drinks tea when he chokes on it and coughs.

Raon sprints to Cale with cat duo, "Human! What's wrong? Is tea too hot? Let me cool it for you! "

Ohn looks at her guardian while hong pat Cale's leg with paw.

Rasheel stood and offers Cale a handkerchief.

Cale quickly took it to wipe but stopped as he saw the hankerichief was the one which he once lost at their meeting.

Cale as always just shrug it off and wipes his mouth.

Cale then stood and took out Drew tham-


Chims the young voice of drew thames.

His mother's glowing book  as it floats and pages flips.

Cale,my child. The time has came to tell you this..but the guy who loot-ahem I mean your uncle.
He have a son, I could only hear the world 'obelia empire' from the future. Cale, find his son. The time is very usual these days, it's like a calm before a storm.
Go to world tree..

Cale frowns, 'Obelia empire? Never heard of it, even novel didn't'

(Sky eating water) -and here goes Cale's slacker life ~ xxx yeah!

(Fire of destruction)- khekhekhe! You are right crazy kid! I am excited to cause havoc! Khekhe!

(Super rock)- Kids, shut up!

(Annual of rings)-....

(Glutton priestess)- gurrgle hungry..

(Vitality of heart)- sob

(Annual of rings)- shush!

Cale groans internally, 'f*ck you , Bastard!'


GoD in his study looks up from pool of papers . His baggy eyes shines 'did my child just called me!?'


GoD groans "Jung Soo~" as he whines and looks sharp at Choi Jung Soo.

Choi Jung Soo smiles "what? Did it hurt? But we humans know that gods don't feel hurt, so what's wrong? Lemme try again, I want to clear that fact" As he , feign ignorance .

GoD sweatdrop as he stood and sprints with Jung Soo behind him with a sword.


At Obelian Empire.

A red-head with a sigh walk back to his home, it's almost night.

He walks in as the servants, knights and butlers bows with respect to greet him.

"Welcome back, Young master Felix!"

Felix Robane, young master of Robane dukedom, the imperial knight, crown prince: now king's personal guard and his most popular name , the knight of crimson blood walks in.

Felix Robane, young master of Robane dukedom, the imperial knight, crown prince: now king's personal guard and his most popular name , the knight of crimson blood walks in

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(I will be adding image of wmmap caste for the people who haven't read it, cause I found a friend who didn't)

Felix sighs, Today's day way crazy ride. Felix frowns , ' how can his highness just pressure the princess, she looked so pitiful when I left her when he asked.., oh princess..' (chapter-8, wmmap)

Felix gave his sword to the butler and took of his cloack walking and gave to maid.

He felt so tired, he remembered how the Princess is a copy of lady Diana.., Princess's mother..,


Felix  not minding then servants respectful gazes walks into his mother's room.


The door of the room opens , Inside everything was covered with cloth as it have  never been used in years. He looks at the big potrait covered with dusty cloth.

He felt twig of nostalgic as he cares the creese of frame, his mother and him were never much close as it can be said as a 'estranged' relation.

Felix's mother was , now emperor's nanny. His mother passed away in an accident when he was eight..


Felix looks towards the voice as he saw a old dusty book, he walks and picked it and wipes the dust.

Elara Robane..

Elara Robane, his mother's name was written on it. Felix fwips the pages and read . "My runaway father had a Sister?"  Felix mutters reading the name and description.

"Drew thames.."


Cale frowning stood infront of glittering world tree, behind was Adite trembling and mumbling prayers with money, Eruhaben who was still confused as his child wouldn't explain a thing, Raon, Choi han who were glaring at this world tree.

This tree told their Cale stab himself!

Cale sighed as world tree shook "fine.."

Cale looks back at group and said "Raon , Choi han, pack up. "

Choi han nodded, he have his questions but Cale-nim will tell it himself when needed.

Raon's wings flutter "yes! Human! A new adventure!! But you, stick with this mighty being!"


Prologue finished ~

Hope you all liked it!

-I know there are so many grammar error but I can do nothing.. i am not much good in English=^=

Anyways, Adios~

Words: 881

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