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something is different...

Cale opened his eyes as the binding light died down, and the mana walls that stopped

their way before now created a path for them to enter the new world.

Cale sighs as Raon spins around him “Human!! Did you get hurt?! Weak human, did that

light hurt your eyes!?”

Cale with Raon in his arms, patted the small dragon to calm him down. “I am fine.” He put Raon around the neck and picked up the kittens. Hong is around Cale's left arm while Ohn is on the other.

Ron walks to Cale with Choi Han at his side as Cale ordered. “Let's go. Take all our necessities and leave the carriage and soldiers here.”

Ron nods and instructs Hilsman to talk to the soldiers (poor Hilsman, I forgot he was with them XD)

Choi Han walks and helps them put the items in Rosalyn’s magic pouch with Lark.

He sighs as he feels chills for some reason, Raun nuzzles into Cale's neck as Cale rubs his arm.“Human, are you cold?? Tell me, I wouldn't tell Goldie or Lemon Gramps!” He whispered to his human.

Cale shook his head while Ohn sighed at her guardian’s obliviousness. Hong snickers and

warms Cale with nuzzles.

Everyone got a small smile on their faces by this adorable interaction but Cale didn't know

why he was getting goosebumps repeatedly. ‘That damn Clopeh is in Sherritt-nim's

castle cell so..why do I feel this…’ He shudders and looks towards the entrance.

He took a deep breath ‘Let’s do it quickly and rest at my villa.’

He steps in, followed by others.



The soldiers walked back as instructed leaving with a carriage.

Then a hidden figure with shiny white hair sprints past them and jumps at the closing entrance.

“My legend~! Your peasant is behind you!” They said, Clopeh Sekka beams with a crazed

As everything turned white with some zaps.

The soldiers stood frozen, and one of them quickly walked away ‘Feign ignorance ~’ as
others also followed. They didn't sign up for this. No, thank you!

Obelian Garden

Felix and Lily's eyes widened as they saw the princess fall into the lake!?

Lily steps forward unconsciously but Felix quickly stops her. “Miss Lily, stop!”

As Felix walks forward and looks closely at the adult, Claude grimaces. ‘This dirt of an

He saw Athanasia gasping and coughing trying to swim upwards, Felix walked forward and
stepped into the lake a bit. ‘Princess!’


Athanasia coughs and gasps, trying to swim upwards. ‘What? What just happened!?’

“Help!” She shouted muffled, her voice filled with fear and terror.

“Hel…” she stopped midway shouting as she saw Claude’s cold emotionless eyes looking at
her as if she wasn't worth saving.

‘He wouldn't save me. This man, he will watch me drown…’ She gasped as a weed
grasped her ankle and pulled her in deeper. ‘But…isn't he…a big jerk!?’

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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