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Just one more day until the start of senior year. Young Castiel is spending it 'reinventing' himself. Whilst Mr. Dean Winchester is doing last minute reading. Two completely different boys, in the same world. 

Dean's point of view: 

'Agh.' He thinks to himself, 'Why can't this be easier..' his mind is trailing off. He just decided he would get answers from people in his English class. 'Today is my last day /technically/ of being a Junior. I'm gonna make it count. 

He ran downstairs and said bye to his parents and went to the gym. 'Time to buff up.' He thought while taking his shirt off. He lifted waits, ran, swam, did a lot of push ups and sit ups. He did soo much. And after all if it, he was soo sweaty. 

When he went home, he took a shower, ate, then went to bed. 

Castiel's point of view: 

'Reading? Done. Organizing? Done. All that's left..figure out my damn life..' He kept thinking about his life, and what it actually means. He has to have some point to be living. 'Maybe...Just maybe I can get the love I want this year. And it will last..' 

Castiel has had ONE girlfraend, and decided he didn't really like girls. Too much of a difference. So, he tried one of the people on his mathletes team, it was good, until they both lost feelings and went back to bring friends. He's always had his eyes on this one person anyway. Even when he was dating Sean. 

"Ma?!" He yelled from his room. 

"Yes hun?" She walked in with a hamper full of clean clothes. He went up, and helped her by taking out all of his clothes.

"Was senior year..different for you?" He asked curiously, hiding the fact that he just didn't want it to be like hers. 

"Yes. Indeed it was." She smiled and have a sigh of content. "It was the year I found your father. He had asked me to the prom, and I gladly said yes." 

'Blah blah blah now she's gonna say her whole life story. Ugh maybe I shouldn't have asked...'

Castiel smiled like he was listening, but really he was only thinking. Thinking of him..And Dean. A life together to him, would be a life worth living. 

"Hey, mom, I'm gonna go to sleep now." He says and kissed his mother on the cheek before she left. He changed and laid down in his bed, and drifted off with a smile on his face.

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