A Different Side of the Glitch/Soul Swapping (Part 1)

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The relationship between Anti and the other Septic's didn't start of exactly well with the glitch attempted to kill their creator along with a few other things but with a lot of shouting, knives being thrown around eventually the demon breaking down admitting he's jealous that the other egos were made with a purpose while he was a mistake. Along with his deep-rooted fear of being forgotten caused the glitch to act irrational and hostile unable to properly communicate.

Finally having a glimpse into Anti's struggles and somewhat understanding where the glitchy male was trying to say the highly tension frosty relationship between them slowly changed in time. Anti reluctantly agreed to have two therapy sessions with doctor Iplier to discuss and help him to understand his emotions, the septic's started to be more including inviting the glitch to movie and game nights which Anti always finds himself squashed between two egos usually with Robbie on his lap cuddling him.

With the advice from Doctor Iplier the demon slowly open up to the other egos trying to spend individual time with them from working out in the gym with Jackie occasionally having small competitions of strength with one another, baking in the kitchen with JJ who playfully tried to stop Anti from stealing the cookies to having a prank war against Chase who managed to embarrassingly turn the grumpy glitch into a floating balloon on one of the ego's birthdays.

Things within the septic household began to feel homier for everyone yet things were about to take a strange, surprising turn of events for the septic's, especially for Anti.

Late one night with the stars shining brightly in the night sky the entire septic house avoids of any signs of chaos and lively energy with the only sounds breaking the peaceful atmosphere are the occasional snoring emitting from the doctor's and the demon's bedroom. Inside of the glitch's room his walls were painted a dark green perfectly matching the ego's hair color random bits of dirty black shirts and jeans littered the floor, on the bed Anti slept peacefully on his side with the bed sheet tossed to the side revealing his shirtless slightly hairy upper body with one of his hands underneath the pillow lightly gripping the knife that was perfectly hidden.

A glitchy red circular portal suddenly appeared on the ceiling sending a small gust of cold wind into the room forcing the sleeping ego to groan flipping onto his back. Just as the rush of wind calmed down a small spherical glowing orb shot out of the portal lightly bouncing against the dark green walls until hitting the demon's chest vanishing completely into the man's body with another white glitchy orb this time popping out of Anti's body as it got sucked into the portal.

Just as quickly the strange red portal appeared it closed leaving behind a circular outline on the ceiling as evidence of the events that just transpired once more the demon's bedroom fell into tranquility the only sound breaking the peacefulness was the man's bear like snores.

The annoying sounds of birds tweeting outside stirred Anti out of his slumber mumbling a few tired curse words under his breath he tried to ignore which was impossible as the blinding light of the sun shined through the window landing directly onto the ego's face. Being a little more awake the demon strangely felt heavy all over his body like someone placed bulky cement on his frame but chalking that up to exhaustion Anti ignored it instead tried to turn over away from the window intending to fall asleep however, the simple action of turning over abruptly stopped causing the ego's green eyes shot open in alarm.

"What the actual flying fuck is this? What happened to my body?" Anti quietly shouted eyes bulging out of their sockets staring down at his monstrous towering hairy paunch that rose up into the air blocking the entire view of the wall in front of him. Hesitantly the glitch placed his hands on the side of his gut lightly moving his hands across a frown appearing on his face realizing he couldn't touch most of his stomach.

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