Chubby Tyler x Borrower Reader

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A/n: This a gift for P4ttka

A life of a borrower was no easy feat you knew that since childhood from the frequent moving to one hideout to another to prevent being found by humans, the constant feeling of danger around every corner keeping you awake many nights and on alert of any rats or humans attacking. Not to mention that everything around you seemed to be one hundred times bigger leaving you quite vulnerable from anything from animals, the weather even falling from a small height could potentially mean death as you couldn't afford a single day's rest always looking for supplies always grabbing tiny handfuls of food to take back with you.

The past month you have successfully manage to carve yourself a little home within the walls of an active human's home using a few makeshift tools you made creating tiny hidden holes all over the house giving you access to the kitchen for the food, to the bathroom where you use the slightly leaky tap for water and even to the human's bedroom mostly to observe the man's behavior but also free entertainment.

Always stay away from humans. Never trust a human!

That was the one rule that your parents drilled into you before mysteriously disappearing and you closely followed that rule but the longer you stayed with this large male human the harder you found to keep your distance from him. Your curiosity got the better as you started to watch the human that you quickly learn his name is Tyler observing his day-to-day activities like watching him working out in the living room getting a little distracted staring at his large bulging doughy belly heavily jiggling underneath his red tank top that never fails to ride up showing off a bit of skin to listening to the human communicating with his friends on a strange monitor before forcing yourself to crawl back into your safe space due to Tyler's laughter being contagious nearly giving out your location multiple times.

Within that month of staying in the house undetected you thought Tyler could possibly be a good, even nice human but even with that thought in your head you didn't dare try to interact or show yourself to him in case you were wrong.

Inside of your own little home in the walls of the house you sat on your makeshift bed that was made out of multiple ripped pieces of fabric. Placing the small worn-out satchel on your lap which you mostly store tools like a long piece of string to help you climb down from high places to a paperclip using it as a weapon, a deep painful growl emitted from the pits of your stomach causing you to let out a small whimper pressing your hand against your midsection trying to silence it.

'Maybe I still have space food in my bag to eat. It's been two days since I last searched for any food, I don't want to risk going out now even thou the human isn't here at the moment' You thought moving your shaking slightly dirty hands into the bag pulling out the rope and paperclip along with small scraps of fabric that you use to wrap pieces of food you find to keep it clean as long as possible.

A soft defeated sigh left your lips with your rotten luck you couldn't find any spare food in the bag not even when you turned the bag upside down shaking it a few times which ultimately did nothing but shake off some dust off the bag. Another painful hunger struck in your already empty stomach making you wince gripping the bag tightly for a couple of seconds until it went away, briefly glancing towards the small entrance you made into the kitchen you slowly begun to pack away your things back in the bag already knowing you have to do another trip to gather supplies.

"I done this many times before I be in and out hopefully in minutes. I'm sure nothing can go wrong in that short amount of time" You quietly reassured yourself standing up from your makeshift bed putting the bag over your shoulders making sure it was secure enough.

In front of the small barely noticeable entrance you hung up a thin piece of fabric acting as a curtain mostly to hide the hole from the human. Pushing the fabric to the side you squeezed yourself through the gap stepping into the kitchen momentarily closing your eyes due to how much brighter it was in the kitchen from being inside of the walls, slowly opening them once more you found yourself standing on top of a cupboard that was high up on the wall overlooking the entire room from your position.

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