Different from the rest

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Opening his eyes, Kevin tried to think it was just a dream, but he knew it wasn't true. Dreams are not so realistic. He was really dead. He climbed out of bed and looked out the window. In fact, he didn't notice anything new. The same empty, black hole world with a few gray trees and a garden near the mansion where he was. However, he noticed someone waving at him from outside. It was Abi, who obviously looked happy that the boy was finally awake. Behind her stood Sully with a watering can in his hand, with which he was watering white flowers with black stems. He also wore an exceptionally large gardener's hat on his head, which should have protected him from the sun, which was unheard of in this world. Kevin waved at the girl and then turned towards the door, but before he touched it he saw his jacket hanging on a chair in the corner of the room. He quickly took it, put it on and left the bedroom. Going down the stairs, he found himself in the salt room with a huge library again. His attention was again caught by the empty painting that hung above the fireplace in perfect working order.

- What's going on with this? - the boy asked in his mind.

When he stopped pondering the secrets of the house, Kevin went outside to meet the housemates. In the garden, Abi sat on the ground and looked at the flowers, while our host kept watering them, as if he was afraid that they would quickly wither if they didn't get water.

- You're finally up! - the girl shouted, then stood up and hugged the boy.

- It looks like it - he smiled embarrassed.

When Abi released the teenager from her embrace. She quickly took the boy to the garden and showed him the strange white flowers that were truly beautiful in their own way.

- Looking at them, I remember the moment when my mum and I were walking through the fields in winter. Nature was sleeping then and everything was covered with fluffy snow. These flowers attract my attention in exactly the same way. White as snow, under which mother nature sleeps soundly.

- You mentioned your mum. Do you remember everything before you got here? Your life and how you... - Kevin interrupted quickly.

-Died? - the girl asked mockingly - Yes, I know how I died. It was nothing special. No accident or murder. I just fell asleep and didn't get up. At first it was a shock that I couldn't come to terms with. As I lay there, thinking more and more, in the midst of this nothingness, Sally finally found me and pulled me out of this torpor. And he turned out to be a really good friend.

- I thought you wouldn't mention it - Sally laughed.

Kevin was very surprised by the story. It seems like Abi has always known where she was. An idyllic life that disappeared so quickly. He looked into her blue eyes and began to think about her. This girl really has no reason to be so cheerful, but she smiles all the time. Just like his sister.

- Why didn't you tell me what this was all about? - asked the boy.

- I didn't mean to freak you out, but I see you took it really well after Sally told you. Speaking of your earlier conversation, it's nice that you finally remembered your name Kevin - Abi smiled.

- Oh, that's right. So Sally told you after all.

- It's a really nice name. It suits you - girl said nicely - And did you remember anything else? Any memories or how you died?

For a moment the boy didn't know what to answer. He thought deeply and considered the following answer.

- Nothing at all. Just a name - he said quickly.

At that same moment, Kevin looked at Sally, who was pretending not to be eavesdropping on the conversation. He hummed something under his breath and watered the flowers passionately. Finally the skeleton turned and looked at both friends.

- Kids, maybe you can help me? I have old bones, not what they used to be, and the flowers clearly need water.

Both teenagers nodded and started watering the white plants. There were a lot of them, so the job took them an exceptionally long time. They routinely watered and filled the watering can ad nauseam, but the boy didn't seem tired or irritated. While he was working, he seemed to forget where he was. One lonely flower caught his attention. It was exceptionally withered and compared to the others it was not a mockery of beauty. He clearly needed water and care. Kevin and the watering can headed towards the plant when suddenly he was stopped by someone. He turned around and saw the owner of the white house.

- You can't water this. I usually don't like to impose anything, but this is one of the few rules you must follow. "Don't pay attention to that flower" - Sally said vehemently.

- But why? Don't you see that it needs water just like the others - replied the surprised boy.

- He is different from the rest and does not deserve our help. Let him deal with it himself.

They stood there for a moment before Kevin moved in the opposite direction to the plant in need. He began to wonder what it meant to be different. Is it a person who is wanted or is it a person who is unwanted? He realized that there was no place in the world for them. When they die, no one will remember them anyway. No one will mention him either. Maybe being different means being nobody? Kevin realized that this was the perfect description of him. It is as different as this flower.

- I have finished. My hands are falling off. Hey, would you like to see what books Sally has on her shelf? Maybe you'll like one - said Abi tiredly.

Kevin looked at the girl with his red eyes and smiled slightly.

- With great pleasure - he replied.

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