You are god

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A long, indefinite time passed, and there was still no end to this adventure. Each moment became routine relative to the previous one. There was nothing new waiting here. Sleep, garden, fun and books. These aren't things Kevin would complain about, but something inside him was bothering him. He wondered if this was what he expected after death? He thought that it would be a state in which he would not experience anything anymore. Something that is difficult to describe, but despite his ideals, he got something completely different. He got friends and, in a sense, family and peace. This is what he always wanted. This world is the idealized life he has always needed. But is he sure? Maybe he never really wanted anything more than the fact that he no longer existed. Maybe he just wanted to disappear.

- And then my mother told me that plants also feel emotions. As a child, I was extremely surprised and couldn't imagine it. I thought mom was just saying some nonsense, but now I think I'm starting to understand what exactly she meant - said Abi, who was lying covered with a soft blanket in her large bed.

The boy suddenly woke up from the trance in which he was thinking about this whole world. He looked at the girl and smiled sincerely. However, the teenager knew exactly that something was wrong. Kevin sitting on the floor leaning against Abi's bed, he was quite quiet. More than usual.

- Everything's all right? - the girl asked worriedly.

- I'm fine. I'm just thinking about one rather important thing.

- What exactly?

Kevin swallowed hard and finally spoke to his friend, who was waiting for an answer.

- Why are you still here? - Kevin asked.

- I do not understand what you mean.

- I mean, I don't mean exactly about you, but more about why you are still in this world. This has been bothering me for several days. From what I know, Sally said that there are only lost souls in this world. You don't seem too lost about it. Instead of sitting in this infinitely dark place, you should go to heaven or some other paradise.

Abi didn't know what to say. She didn't expect such a response from her friend. Despite everything, she felt very nice that he cared about her so much, but his statement still made some sense. Why was she still in Nowhere?

- Let me tell you, I have no idea. It's kind of weird, but I like it here. I don't know what awaits me on the next page. Maybe I'm just afraid of surprises, you know? - Abi laughed.

- But you have nothing to be afraid of. You will probably feel much better in heaven than here. This is the place where people like you find ultimate happiness. Isn't it beautiful? - Kevin replied.

The worried girl lay silently on the bed and turned away from her friend. She definitely didn't know what to say.

- I'm quite sleepy. Maybe we'll talk about it calmly tomorrow. Today I think all I can think about is sleeping in this nice blanket.

The boy looked at the girl and nodded slightly. He got up from the floor, walked to the door and closed it slowly so as not to wake up his tired friend.

Goodnight, Abi - he said quietly and left.

Walking through the corridor, he didn't know what to do with himself. Is this what her whole life is going to be like now? Abi needs happiness in her life. Not the fake one, but the real one. In this world you will never get one. Lost, full of darkness and mystery. This is not a description of a real paradise for people like her. When he approached the door to his room, he suddenly heard a strange voice. Something seemed to be calling his name. Unimaginable chills ran through him. He went downstairs thinking it was Salli's voice, but it wasn't. There was no one in the living room, which meant that the mysterious voice was coming from outside. The teenager thought for a moment and then opened the front door. A voice in the yard began to speak louder. It was obviously coming from the garden. Kevin walked unevenly towards the voice. When he got there, he didn't see anyone. The mysterious sound stopped and could no longer be heard at all. Suddenly, however, it howled again, and the boy finally realized that the culprit of the terrifying sound was a dying flower that Sally had forbidden to water at all costs.

- Can you smell that smell of decomposing bodies? - asked the withered flower.

Kevin was terrified. He didn't know how to answer such an unusual question from such an unusual interlocutor.

- What bodies?

- All the bodies of these lost hundreds of souls who don't know what to do with themselves. Turned into stone, they sit and are unaware of what surrounds them.

An unusual question for a flower to ask it. The boy looked with fear and curiosity, but he didn't know what to say next. Maybe it's best to say nothing and just watch? This is one of the better options in this strange situation.

- I understand what you feel - the flower replied again - Lost in a lost world full of strange and inexplicable phenomena. Is this how you imagined life after death?

- No - Kevin replied.

- You don't want anything and you don't want anything. You are empty, but you still haven't turned to stone like the rest. Is it about that girl?

- What do you mean?

- This teenager clearly has your life in check. Thanks to it, you actually still exist, but do you really want that? I have a feeling that you want exactly the same thing as me, that is, the final end, without unnecessary caresses.

The boy looked deeper at the decaying flower. He didn't know where, but he knew his thoughts inside and out. Did he feel the same way? Who is this and why does he seem so similar to him?

- Who are you? - Kevin asked.

- And who do you want me to be?

- Just an ordinary flower that says nothing.

- And I want you to be an ordinary person who is dying.

Strange figures began to appear around Kevin again, filling the world with color. He felt extremely weak. His head also started to hurt badly. Everything started to seem unreal. The gray trees began to blur and the flower that the boy had been looking at became especially larger and darker. Its lobes turned into human eyes, and its stem transformed into what appeared to be a long human vein. Unimaginable appearance.

- Dig me up and see what I'm hiding between the roots - he said.

The teenager moved as quickly as possible and started digging intensively. He plucked a flower from the ground and threw it onto a pile of dug up soil. Suddenly he felt something metal between his fingers. He slowly took it out and looked at the familiar device. His red eyes became even more intense. He felt the weight of the jacket on his body again, and mysterious colors shimmered in front of his face all the time. Kevin stood up and wiped the dirty metal thing off the ground. It was the same revolver he used that day.

- Kevin - voice said quietly from behind the teenager.

The boy looked and saw a familiar skeleton standing nearby, staring in horror at the situation.

- Put it aside and let's go home. I guess we don't want to wake Abi up unnecessarily.

Kevin was silent.

- You want to do the same thing again. Didn't your stay in Nowhere teach you anything? Believe me, there are still people in this world who care about you. You don't have to resort to the same solution. You're not a monster - Sally said worriedly.

- Abi will never know true happiness. It will be here forever. I have to protect her from the evil of this world. I care about her too much - Kevin replied.

- Are you certain that paradise exists? What if people have to experience suffering and get used

 to it because there is nothing else waiting for them? Do you think you can control people's lives?

- I'm not interested in people. I'm not interested in their problems. I'm not interested in myself. I am only interested in Lily's well-being, for which there is only one solution.

- You are terrified - Sally replied.

The boy aimed the gun at the host and quickly shot him in the head. The skeleton fell to the ground and his glasses were broken. His corpse lay motionless. He started bleeding from his eyes. Kevin stood motionless among the white plants in the garden and looked silently at his friend.

- You are god - said the human flower lying on a pile of dug up earth.

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