Strangers or Friends?

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A/n: 50 years have passed since last chapter. Y/n is 562, but looks 21. Dream and Noot are 563, but both look 22. Dream has since moved out and helps Ink protect the multiverse. Also, this is the first time Y/n meets XGaster, XFrisk, and XChara...but they won't trust XGaster again.


Y/n was traveling through the multiverse, flying and going through their portals to get to each au, but things seem peaceful, so maybe they wouldn't have to do their job today...Y/n does like those moments where they can just relax for once...but they also make sure Dream and Nightmare take breaks from their jobs as well...Y/n then feels something strange and stops mid-air, now flying in place in the doodle sphere and looking around in confusion.

Y/n:...what the? It felt like memories got erased, and then reset...? But why does it feel different from RESETS?....I'll ask Ink, if he's here-

Ink, appearing out of nowhere: ask me what?

Y/n screams in surprise, their wings instinctively hitting Ink. Ink sputteres abit, spitting feathers out of his mouth, before laughing nervously.

Ink:...haha, sorry buddy. Didn't mean to scare you-

Y/n looks at Ink from behind their wings, before folding them back, aware that they can float in the doodle-sphere without flying.

Y/'s fine, but I do have a question for ya.

Ink, eyelights question marks: what is it, buddy?

Y/n: the multiverse is is there a button like the reset button, but different? I felt memories getting changed without the reset button, so I got curious.

Ink gets stars in his eyes and Y/n takes a few steps back, not wanting him to spit up Ink...and like Y/n predicted, he does throw up ink. Y/n looks at the thrown up ink in a bit of disgust. Y/n squeaks in surprise when Ink suddenly gets in their face, after wiping his mouth.

Ink: You wanna know about the OVERWRITE button?-

Y/n: the what-?

Ink, grabbing Y/n's hand: Come on!

Ink makes a portal, dragging Y/n through, much to their dismay because they got no warning. The duo then appear in a world that is mostly whitish-purple, with purple and yellow flowers on the ground. Y/n blinks in surprise, looking around.

Y/n: huh...strange. This feels like the place where those weird memories came from...

Ink, excited: come on! I have someone I want you to meet!

Ink then drags Y/n off...again. Y/n sighs and follows Ink, not wanting to get dragged again...and soon, the duo appear near a tree. Y/n spots this au's gaster, frisk, and chara. Ink lets go of Y/n's hand, waving.

Ink: Hey, buddy! I brought a friend!

The gaster, frisk, and chara look over and spot Y/n. Y/n blinks and waves, abit awkward because they weren't prepared for meeting new people.

Y/n: uh, hi? I'm Y/n. Who are you?

Y/n asks, trying to be as polite as possible. The gaster stands up and walks over, the two humans following.

XGaster: I am XGaster, and these two are XFrisk and XChara.

Y/n, nodding: lovely to meet you all...Ink, why did you drag me here?

Ink, blinking: Well, you said you wanted to know where those memories came from, so I brought you here?

Y/n sweatdrops and XGaster looks abit interested. The two humans are just staring at Y/n, finding that their appearance is weird because they didn't expect goat monsters to have wings, or a long tail.

XGaster: memories?

Y/n inhales and exhales, having gone through this conversation many times. Y/n then nods, their tail flicking.

Y/n: a very long story short, I'm the guardian of memories. I felt memories get changed suddenly, but it felt different from memories getting changed from RESETS, so I was gonna try to find it...or ask Ink for help, and Ink appeared first.

Ink, nodding: Yeah! Show them the button!

Y/n, elbowing Ink: Don't make him do things he doesn't want to do, Ink.

XGaster, blinking: no, it's fine, I can show you.

XGaster makes the OVERWRITE button appear and Y/n looks at it in curiosity. After staring at it for awhile, Y/n nods.

Y/n: yeah, that's what I sensed...but if you don't mind me asking, how does this work?

Ink: it's like the reset button!

Y/n sighs and nods, accepting that answer. XGaster decides to explain further.

XGaster: The overwrite button allows me to change the timeline as I see fit. I can make people appear from the button, or make them disappear...but I don't like using it that much.

Y/n, nodding with understanding: so it changes code into something else...seems to make sense...but that still doesn't explain why I felt memories here.

XGaster:...we went through our first timeline with the button, and I used it again.

Y/n, blinking: then shouldn't there be other monsters and people here, or am I missing something?

XGaster: it's just me and the children.

Y/n nods, and then Ink drags them back into the doodle sphere, much to everyone's surprise. Once they appear, Y/n looks at Ink in sheer confusion.

Y/n: Ink...what the fuck?

Ink, shrugging: what? You met them and now you know what those memories were!

Y/n sighs and rubs their temple with their paws, abit done with Ink's shit.

Y/n:...Ink, I know that the truce with you and Error is driving you up a wall since you can't create, but please don't do something you regret, okay?

Ink, nodding: okay.

Y/n, sighing and looking at him: I want you to promise me Ink. I want you to promise me that you won't do anything you'll regret.

Ink blinks in surprise, but nods.

Ink: alright, I promise not to do anything I'll regret in the future.

Y/n, sighing in relief: good.

Y/n then pulls Ink into a hug, much to his surprise. His eyelights turn to hearts as he hugs back. If only those two knew what was in store for them...If only Y/n looked through XTale's memories...then perhaps this entire thing could have been avoided, but it is hard to look through someone's memories when they are aware of your presence and actively keep you out.

Word Count: 1070

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