Chapter Five

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As soon as I walk out with a gun on my hip, a knife attached to my leg, and my tattoo, I knew things are going to be different. I look around and see stares. I can foresee my future. Full of tests, sweat, blood, and pain. I know that in order to simply survive I must be willing to do things I don't want to.

First things first, I need training and I need help. I go to the class registry. In two weeks I would have been forced to pick classes, there's no need to wait. I'm ready now.

I walk in the registry building and walk straight to the desk. The secretary doesn't even look at me. Let's have some fun with this. I think. I slam my hand on the desk, she jumps and looks at me. "Hi, " I say. "I'm here to register for my first classes."

"First off, I knew you were there, you didn't need to slam..." I interrupt her "It's also very rude to ignore someone and I don't like to be ignored." I realize I sound bad, very mean. But I have to be rough and tough. I need to learn to be cruel, because in some situations, I will need to be.

She isn't used to being treated like that, I can tell, she regained her composure. "Well," she hands me a tablet, "here are all the classes, you can pick a maximum of 6 classes a semester, there are three semesters a year. When you pick your classes you will receive further instructions. Take your time."

I don't need to though, I know what classes I want. I pick Self Defense Basics, Computer Training, Public Speaking/Government, Weapons Training, World History, and Leadership Skills. I hand the tablet back to her.

She looks at me in surprise, "You're done?" She asks.

 "Obviously." I state impatiently.

She does something on the tablet, sets it down and inserts some things into the computer. Then hands me the tablet back, "This is everything you need to know about the classes you have chosen. You have three days to drop out of any given class, you will keep this tablet to use as you wish."

Oh, I get it now, they want to monitor us, know us, they want to decide who we are, who we can be. What our skill sets are, if we are valuable, if we will be an asset to them. Basically, I have to study hard and prove myself to them. I have to be the best.

I smile at the woman, "Thanks." I walk out and go into the Library, its big and old, barely no one is in it. I guess that it's because most of the kids in this whole place aren't serious about this, about their life. I am, and so are most of the people in this building.

I sit at a table and look over my first class, Self Defense Basics. I've never been in a real fight before, which puts me at an immediate disadvantage. I need to learn, which is why I picked this class. I look at the time availabilities and pick the earliest one, 8:00 am. I go to the next class.

Computer Training. I thought it would come in handy one day, and it's probably a good idea to take it because its a good skill set. I set that class right after the first, 10:00 am. The requirements are a few books on computers. I write it down on a piece of paper and skip to the next class.

Public Speaking/ Government, I picked it because that's what we are here for after all, to survive, to prove myself so that I can claim a place in the Government system. I set it after lunch, at 1:00 pm.

Weapons Training, I need how to use this gun and knife, and how to use other weapons, plus I think they teach other survival skills in this class. The requirements are books about guns and general weapon distinction and basics, then some survival basic books.

World History, I want to learn from the past so that when I get into the government, I can do better than those before me.

Leadership Skills, I'm pretty sure that's a skill set they will want me to have, but I want it to. I want to know how to lead people, how to get them to want to follow me.

I smile as I walk out with those books in my arms, this isn't going to be easy, but I'm used to working in school to the best of my ability, and while these idiots play around like spoiled kids, I'll insure my position as a valuable asset, and get ahead.

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