Introduction- The Beginning

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"John, I want a third child." Theresa says softly, whispering in his hair as they lay side by side. She is not satisfied with just two, she is greedy, she wants more.

"Honey, that is a long process and we are unlikely to be chosen for the Third Child Precept. We will be one in a million." John says, he wants a child too, but the likelihood of being chosen is diminutive. He does not want to give her hope just for it to be stripped away by the government.

"I know, but I want to try. I got the paperwork today and filled it out, you just need to sign it John." Theresa squeezes his arm, "I really want to try."

John sighs, but thinks that if she wants to try, he should support her. At least they can say they tried. Besides, they did raise two amazingly successful kids who are becoming well known and respected in the business world. That would be noted right? "Sure honey, we'll give it a shot."

6 Months Later

"Honey, go get the mail!" Theresa yelled, as she stared intently at the H.P. (Holographic Projector).

John came out of the kitchen and wiped his hands. "Okay beautiful." He said as he kissed her head. "Computer, generate a winter coat and winter boots." He commanded at the Assembler. 

As the Assembler fulfilled his request, John looked out the window. The snow had piled up since it started snowing last night. 

All of a sudden John was 8 again and in his sled about to go down the hill. "Daddy, I'm scared!" 

His dad laughed, "It's okay, it's just snow."

8-year-old-John smiled big at his dad, "Will you push me?" 

John's dad smiled and gave a big push.

The frigid wind combed his hair as he raced down the hill in his first sled. Delighted at this adventure, John let out a whoop. John looked back at his dad and saw his look of amusement, which suddenly turned into a look of horror. John turned back around and saw he was rapidly approaching a tree. John had no time to turn or steer away from the big tree. John's next moments in the memory were filled with a loud crash and immense pain.

The ding of the Assembler finishing its task took John out of the fun yet bitter memory. 

John puts on the items quickly. He wants to get the mail and get out of the cold, wet snow as soon as possible. Ever since that day he just does not enjoy snow or cold weather the same anymore.

John opens the door with a sigh and steps out the house. He half jogs, half walks to the mailbox. Opening it, he discovers a single box which has the Third Child Precept stamp on it. 

Excited, John runs to the house as fast as he can. 

Theresa stood up when she saw John's face. When he came in so abruptly her face showed her suprisment. Theresa had a hard time believing that the TCP had sent them a HoloMessage.

When Theresa opened it, a lady was projected and she gave this message:

Dear Applicants,

We are pleased to accept your request to have a Third. You have been selected to have a specially created embryo to raise as your own, and in your own virtues.

However, when the above stated embryo turns 13 you will be required to leave them at the hospital, who will in turn fly them to a government facility. Their care will then be resumed by the government.

This will be your only opportunity to have a Third. If you reject this possibility, you will not have another chance for a child. Please respond with your compliance or denial A.S.A.P.


Elizabeth Sharene 

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