Forbidden - Chapter 7

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~Tom's POV ~

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~Tom's POV ~

To my surprise, I found myself in Eva's room once again. I hadn't planned to see her today, yet there she, was at the edge to the forbidden forest. And, of course, her wretched husband appeared. A useless being, whom I will have to dispose of eventually. Nonetheless, I shall offer her the opportunity to bring out the garbage herself.  Ultimately, she was the one hoarding it for some inexplitable reason. 

As we sit there in silence, both gazing into each other's eyes, I sense her thumb on my hand. I don't react, but I can't ignore her words. "How badly I want to kiss you right now," she murmurs, barely audible, perhaps just thinking aloud. I understand. In the end, this is the influence I have on individuals... They can't resist me. I arch an eyebrow at her statement to unsettle her, speaking softly, my voice raspier than intended, "Mrs. Orlov..."
Seeing her look away in embarrassment fills me with amusement. Slowly, I extend my hand towards her chin, prompting her to meet my gaze once more.

As she hesitates, a flicker of defiance crosses her features, quickly masked by a veil of submission. I relish the challenge she unknowingly presents.
"You know, Mrs. Orlov," I continue, my voice a mere whisper, "the forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest." Her eyes widen imperceptibly, a mix of fear and desire dancing within them.
I lean in closer, the air between us charged with unspoken promises.
"But remember, indulgence comes at a price," I murmur, my breath brushing against her skin. She shivers, I can tell a tremor of anticipation is running through her.
In that moment, the world outside fades into insignificance, leaving only the two of us entwined in a dangerous dance of temptation. Eva's breath hitches, her resolve crumbling like sandcastles against the tide. I see the battle raging within her, the struggle between duty and desire. And I know, without a doubt, that she has already chosen her path. With a predatory glint in my eyes, I draw her closer, sealing her fate with a whispered promise of ecstasy and ruin.
As I feel her yielding to the inevitable pull between us, a surge of triumph courses through my veins. The thrill of conquest, the taste of forbidden passion, it all fuels the fire burning within me. Eva's breath mingles with mine, a silent surrender to the intoxicating allure of the unknown. The game we play is a dangerous one, fraught with risks and consequences. But for now, all that matters is the electric tension crackling in the air, binding us together.
As our lips finally meet in a searing kiss, I know that we are both lost in this intricate dance of seduction and betrayal. The die is cast, and we are both willing participants in this game.. 

As our lips part Eva's eyes, dark pools of desire and uncertainty, search mine for answers she is afraid to voice

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As our lips part Eva's eyes, dark pools of desire and uncertainty, search mine for answers she is afraid to voice. In that suspended moment, as the world held its breath around us, I saw a flicker of defiance in Eva's gaze—a spark of rebellion that ignited a dangerous fire within me.
The thrill coursing through my veins, urging me to push the boundaries.
 With a predatory smile, I whisper in her ear, my voice a seductive lure, "Do you dare to walk the path of shadows with me, Eva?" Her breath hitches, a silent admission of the desires that simmer beneath the surface. She leans closer, the line between right and wrong blurring into a tantalizing haze of possibilities. As our lips meet oncemore in a fervent dance of passion and betrayal, I feel the rush of adrenaline.

As we sit here, caught in the aftermath of our stolen moment, a sudden knock at the door shatters the fragile bubble of intimacy that envelopes us. Eva's husband's voice, tinged with suspicion, calls out from the other side, demanding entry. Panic flickers across Eva's face. I shake my head once, "Sh... stay here." As I am about to walk away, I feel a sudden pull on my sleeve. "Don't," Eva hisses low. Ignoring her request, I wear my coat and open the door with a friendly but false smile. "Good evening, Mr. Orlov."
Greeting Mr. Orlov with practiced charm, a storm brews behind my eyes. How dare he come here after everything that has happened. Intelligence seems to be chasing him, but he is always faster. With each passing moment, the facade I wear grows heavier. Leading Mr. Orlov inside with a mask of cordiality, his expression shifts from anger to surprise, now tinged with intimidation. Of course. Eva remains silent, so I ensure this fool meets my gaze. "Mr. Orlov, is there anything I can help you with? Mrs. Orlov and I were discussing the classes for an excursion tomorrow... so if it's not important..." His face still shows confusion. "I... I just wanted to have a word with my wife," he says, glaring at her after speaking.
>You filthy little coward I will enjoy when you find our end..< I halt myself from thinking harsh thoughts, not wanting to disrupt the carefully placed mask. "I believe your wife does not wish to speak with you, Mr. Orlov. Perhaps you should leave." He scoffs, "By all my good manners, Mr... Riddle. I did not ask for your permission. Now, if you would leave us alone." Gesturing as if dismissing a schoolboy, he tries to hush me away, quite amusing.
Stepping closer, I assert, "I do not recall sharing my name with you. You really should not test my patience today, or any day for that matter. I do not repeat myself." Just as I finish speaking, I feel a soft touch on my shoulder. Eva has approached. Her husband reacts immediately, "I know who you are, Mr. Riddle. Do not test my patience either." Before I can respond, he points his wand at me, mistakenly thinking he stands a chance. Chuckling, I signal Eva to step back and approach Mr. Orlov dominantly. "Clearly, you lack knowledge. That's okay, not everyone is destined for greater things. You have clearly failed. Not only do you threaten me," I gesture widely, "But you fail to realize that your marriage is over. Now, make your way out. Trust me, it will be the best choice you can make. Oh and.. If you ever lay a hand on her again, I will make sure you suffer worse pain than that, I am quite creative believe me. And before you try, I will also spread the word in the ministry. A wife beater. Hm.. If they will still have use for you? Not sure about that Mister.Orlov." With that, he is pushed back in the doorway, falling backwards. Oops...

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