Chapter 9- The Watermelon Man Returns

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On a saturday morning Mario calmly walks in the direction of Melony house, once he reaches there he notices that the door is already open. Without waiting Mario enter her house.

Mario: "Hey Melony! Mario is here!". Says Mario as he looks around for Melony.

Melony: "Hey Mario Im over here!". Says Melony voice coming from her bedroom.

Mario enters her bedroom.

Mario: "You invited Mario to smash, so I brought my Nintendo Switch!". The room is so dark that Mario is unable to see her.

Mario: "Huh? Melony? Where are you?". Mario is confuse.

Suddenly Melony giggles and Mario hears the door behind him close. He is afraid, suddenly he hears Melony voice.

Melony: "Silly Mario I dind't invited you to play Smash... I invited you to play Smash in the GameCube!".

Mario: "Let's a goooooo!". Mario screams in excitement as he throws he Switch away.

They start to play the game, even though both suck they are having alot of fun. After some matches and draws Melony Cell Phone rings.

Melony: "Wait a minute Mario". Says Melony as she hold her phone.

Mario: "Okie Dokie".

Mario closely hears Melony Phone Call.

Melony: "Oh hi dad! Yes im fine!". Melony seems really happy to talk with her dad.

Strangely Mario is unable to hear his voice in the phone call.

Melony: "Oh yeah, Im not alone, Mario is here with me-". The phone call abruptly ends.

Melony: "huh?".

Suddenly the door bell rings.

Mario gets up

Mario: "I got It!". Mario leaves the room and approaches the front door, he opens It.

It's Watermelon Man, Melony dad.

Mario: "oh Hello!" He waves.

Mario: "Nice to see you agai-". The Watermelon Man punches Mario, sending him flying into Melony bedroom, the impact breaks the door.

Melony is in shock.

Melony: "Mario! You are okay?".

Mario: "What an assho-". Before Mario could even finish his sentence The Watermelon Man teleports in front of him he tries to punch Mario but he is able to avoid to It.

Mario: "Cut It off!". Mario is visually angry.

Melony: "Yes dad!". Melony is also really angry.

The Watermelon Man starts to throw multiple items at Mario, but he manages to avoid most of them. Mario then runs in the direction of the Kitchen, both the Watermelon Man and Melony follow him.

In the Kitchen Mario starts to throw multiple knifes at the Watermelon Man, the damage is visible but he doens't seems to care at all.

The Watermelon Man rushes in Mario direction but he manages to avoid once again. Melony is speechless she doens't know what to do.

The fights continues with Mario throwing a large sofa in The Watermelon Man face, he answers back with a uppercut so strong that It sents Mario to the roof.

Mario: "Bring It on!". Says Mario taunting.

WaterMelon Man: "The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic...".

Melony: "Guys please stop!". Melony tries to scream, but both can't hear her due to intense fight.

After some seconds of intense punching both are interrupted by Melony in her deity form. She separates both with a visible angry expression.

Melony: "Can you guys stop! I was just trying to have fun and now...". Melony is screaming she kneels down before finishing her sentence.

Both Mario and Watermelon Man are visibly sad.

Mario: "Sorry Melony, its Mario fault..".

The Watermelon Man is quiet but he seems to be silently apologizing.

Melony: "it's okay...". Melony sits on the top of the roof. Both Mario and the Watermelon Man sits near to her.

Melony: "Dad can you please go away?". Says Melony as she returns to her usual form.

The Watermelon Man gets up, but before leaving he puts his hands on Mario shoulder. Even though he was silent Mario could hear his voice in his head.

WaterMelon Man: "Look Mario, I barerly know you but you need to make up your mind, I want the best for her, and sometimes you doens't seems enough, you gotta choose, either you reject her and destroy her feelings, or you try your best to be in her side. It is up to you, just don't hurt her okay?". He suddenly dissapears leaving Mario and Melony behind, Mario didn't know what to think about the words he just heard.

Melony: Mario... Can we sit here for a while?".

Mario: "Sure". Mario sits next to her.

Melony: "Im sorry for today It was my fault, I just wanted to hang out with you a little but now you are hurt". She starts to release tears from her eyes.

Mario: "no, It okay don't cry!". Mario starts to clean her tears.

Mario: "Those things happens, but It okay! It's just like Sphagetti, It's sad when you eat It all but there's is always more!".

Melony giggles.

Melony: "That's what like in you Mario! You are always gentle when Its needed".

Melony gets closer and she gives him a little kiss on his nose. He is surprised but satisfied, he hides his face with his cap.

Melony: "You're cute...". She giggles and blushes.

Mario gets up.

Mario: "Thanks but Mario got gotta...". He says in a serious tone as he jump off the roof.

Melony: "Wait, where are you going?". She looks confused.

Mario: "Mario gotta make up his mind...". He says as he leaves.


So Hey! Once again thanks for reading and for 700 visualizations! Sorry if this chapter felt short, I wanted to make It a build up for the 10th chapter which will be longer and special. I don't know when It will be released but It shouldn't take long enough. And as a extra tomorrow I will release a extra chapter with no story at all but with fun facts about the serie in general, you don't need to read It If you want to. But If you really like this book, It would be a interesting reading. That's all see you in tomorrow!

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