Diamond Damsel Don't

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  She is one of the strongest of humans to ever exist. She went through hardships or carrying a living being in her and then going through the unbearable pain to bring her into this world. Just to have their baby's name go to his name.

She is expected to raise the baby and care for it for life, giving up some of her in the process. You see, once you have a baby you're not labeled as your own person. You're labeled as a mother to the child or children you may have because you can't afford a career. Your job is to be a mother, or so your husband says.

She goes to church, all dolled up. She listens to the sermon of the church that day. It was about how women are to be submissive to men. To be a mother and a homemaker and nothing else. As the woman listens, she looks at her daughter sleeping away. Her daughter is 6 now. The woman stops listening and just thinks about her daughter's future. Why do men seem to be in higher paying jobs? Why do men get more say? Why are both not equal?

Was she trapped under her own illusion of a happy life? Was she trapped by the religion that she followed so dearly for her entire life?

She starts to help her daughter as she grows up. She helped her study, was there is she needed to vent, and helped her learn life skills. The husband's job in their religion was to be a provider and nothing else, as child raising was the mother's job.

The mother helped her every day, even if it was just her presence keeping the girl company. Day in and day out their bond grew. The daughter had a non-existent relationship to the dad because he was never interested in bonding with her.

As the little girl grew up, she had good grades and a very promising future. She was now a preteen and starting middle school. She started to hang out with her friends more often. She also started to study more in her room rather than with her mother. The mother was glad her daughter was excelling. During this time, she fell from the religion she was following not believing in it anymore. She stayed with her husband for the sake of her daughter.

Around when her daughter started high school is when she got pregnant again. This time it was with twins. A girl and a boy. During this pregnancy the father seemed to be relatively excited. The woman knew the reason in her gut, but she hoped that she was wrong so gleefully they waited.

During this time the woman never forgot about her daughter, in fact she pushed her 14-year-old to do as well as she possibly could academically. She was at every basketball game and stayed for most of the practices. Reassurance was a daily part of her daughter's life and while her daughter sometimes got annoyed, she was appreciative.

Months later during the woman's birth she had severe complications regarding blood loss and passed away. The husband got the choice between saving his wife or his children. Like promised he got a boy and a girl, he seemed emotionless with his wife's passing but joyful with his new son.

The Girl who lost her mother was devastated. Her father tried to talk to her by saying that he had to do what he had to but there were complications. He tried to then suggest that she take care of the babies and the house, after all she was a woman. She looked at him with tear filled eyes and said a stern no, it was not her job.

He asked why she was even looking up to her if she had no admiration for a mother figure or even a wifely figure.

"She was a trapped Saint."

A week later she ran away. She did this because he had put her little sister up for adoption.

During her disappearance she became one of the best-known doctors in the world, helping people for free. Due to her fame, she got many donations and gifts which she donated most to charity.

Most of the stuff she kept went to her brother, who was special needs. He was deaf and paralyzed from the hips down, he was abandoned by their father the second he turned 18. Despite his struggles he still found a woman to be with and they had 3 children who are not allowed to see their grandfather. Most of the money that they receive goes into college funds. She never found her sister.

The last time she had seen her father was when he was living his final day. He had run out of money to support himself. As he saw his daughter, he gasped and joyful tears streamed down his face. It threw her off until he had asked for money to pay his medical bills. It had been 40 years since he saw her, and he was asking money for a blood transfusion.

"I'm sorry, but the children come first."

"But I'm your fa-"

With a smirk she left the hospital room before he could finish. She knew her father would have the same fate as her mother all of those years ago. The only difference was that he was aware.

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