𝐯𝐢. the quest shenanigans that i was dragged into, but clarisse was too.

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   ❝𝐘𝐎𝐔 have no idea what you're doing, don't you?❞ A gruff voice said behind Rory, footsteps being heard

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❝𝐘𝐎𝐔 have no idea what you're doing, don't you?❞ A gruff voice said behind Rory, footsteps being heard.

After the claiming of Percy, and the realization that Poseidon didn't want to claim Rory, Rory had walked away from the shore, deciding to get the gashes across her body fixed instead of watching the small celebration of Percy's claiming; kinda selfish, I know.

Rory just didn't know that a certain brunette curly haired girl was walking quietly behind her.

Rory felt her stomach flutter with butterflies, a confused expression appearing on her face, but Clarisse didn't see it, Rory's back facing Clarisse.

Rory didn't say anything, just continuing to find something to help her gashes. Clarisse let out an annoyed sigh, quickly getting frustrated of Rory's silence.

"Look, your brother just got claimed, and you didn't, that happens to everyone here, it's not a big deal." Clarisse said, but instantly wanted to take back what she said after seeing Rory freeze in her position.

"You only say it's not a big deal because you already got claimed. And being how you are about this, you probably got claimed the minute you got here. So sorry that I have emotions about my own dad claiming just my brother." Rory bit back, Clarisse feeling herself slightly shrink before regaining herself.

Rory continued to look from something to help her injuries, still not finding anything. That is until the darker toned girl slid her a bottle with honey colored liquid inside it. She finally looked at the girl, having to slightly look up being the Ares girl was towering over her. Clarisse noticed the confused look Rory was giving her, rolling her eyes before sighing.

"It's nectar. It's supposed to heal your injuries. You just drink some and it should heal you." Clarisse explained, Rory taking the bottle of nectar and looking at it, slightly seeing her reflection in the bottle.

Clarisse just looked at her, slightly admiring her before quickly snapping out of her thoughts, Rory still not having noticing she was looking at her.

"Thanks." Rory said slowly, looking at Clarisse. "How much do I take?"

"Just a little bit, unless you want to get incinerated, take as much as you want." Clarisse said, going to release her hair from the hair tie.

"Might take you up on that one." Rory muttered, not thinking Clarisse heard; being very much wrong, and drinking a little bit, instantly tasting the starfish gummies she loved.

    Clarisse had frowned slightly, then hiding it up quickly as her hair was let down, fixing it up a little. Rory noticed that the gash on her arm and shoulder go away, then lifting up her shirt to see the gash she had on her stomach completely gone. No scarring or markings.

  Clarisse noticed how skinny Rory was, and sickly skinny too. She frowned again, this one seemingly not going away and Rory noticing it, getting confused again. Why was the meanest girl at camp so concerned for her?

¹STARFISH ,                            clarisse la rueWhere stories live. Discover now