Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Thank you so much for all your comments, I really appreciate them! (: 


I looked at Niall's hand, holding mine. 

"Uhm, Niall..", I said and looked at him, he was still staring at me.

"Shhhhht. Don't say anything, babe", he said to me putting his finger

on my lips. He looked around like he was searching something.

"What are you looking for, Niall?", I asked him nerviously.

Maybe he was looking for my necklace I dropped?

Niall pulled me to the couch and kissed me on the lips.

This was confusing. Suddenly he turned his face to me

and smiled.

"I'm not looking for anything. All I was ever looking for is right

in front of me. I don't care if you have a family or not, if you have

filthy clothes and no money, all I want is you", he said in a soft voice.

"But..", I started but he interrupted me with a kiss.

"You don't need to go to work or do anything to earn money, I've got

enough money to pay for all of your clothes, food and stuff. You can

live here in my house while I'm on tour and keep it clean, like my

little beautiful housewife. Just trust me", he continued.

Though this was the life I've always wanted, I felt quite uncomfortable

with this offer. There was something strange in it.

"This is really sweet Niall but I can't accept it. I'm scared of being

alone in big houses and I'm obviously not the right person for that.

 I know, you might be disappointed now but..", I apologized but then

Niall sighed loudly.

"Please babe,  I beg you. I don't feel alright when I'm without you and

If I could I would take you on tour but management wouldn't allow it..

Make me happy and just agree with it, love. You're my everythi--", he

wanted to continue but suddenly Zayn stood in front of us.

"Hey there, you're alright?", he laughed.

"Uhm how did you get in here, Zayn?", Niall groaned. He didn't seem

to be happy seeing him.

"Well you know, I've got a key for your house dude!", he replied.

And I was just standing there awkwardly. Well.

"But I didn't want to interrupt you with your sweet speech!", he

made fun of Niall.

Niall looked quite embarassed and left the living room to get

some food. I still sat on the couch when suddenly Zayn jumped

on it and came closer to me.

"Seems as he likes you", he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, maybe..", I replied annoyed.

I didn't know why but Zayn looked like one of these guys who

bullied me in school years ago. Maybe that was the reason

why I was so rude to him right now.

Then, Niall came back with some food for us three but I felt

uncomfortable and stood up from the couch.

"I'm gonna leave now, Niall. It was nice to meet you today but

I think it's better if I just go now. See ya!", I said as I walked out

of the living room, waving at the two boys. At first, I wanted to hug

Niall but that would have been awkward in front of Zayn.

I heard Niall screaming something but I couldn't understand it, so

I just left his house without hearing his words anymore.

It seemed as it was really important because Niall ran out of the

house to catch up with me. Out of breath, he stood next to me.

"Please stay. I know I might be not the same when I'm with one

of the lads, but if you don't stay today, you won't see me the next

months", he stuttered. The next months? What was he talking

about? Wait.. Was he going on tour ?

"You mean.. You're going on tour already tomorrow?", I asked.

"Yeah, that's why I offered you to stay at my house. I want to know

that you're safe when I'm away", he replied nervously.

"I can't do this Niall. I don't know anyone here, it's better if I stay

in my shack and wait until you're back", I sighed quite sadly.

"But please take at least these keys, so you have something

where you can go if the weather's bad. Please", he begged me.

I agreed and took the keys Niall gave me. He put his hands

around my waist, pulled me closer and kissed me softly.

"I'll miss you so much, babe", he said as tears ran down

his flawless face. I nodded and kissed him back and left.

While I went back to my shack, I thought about what Niall

said.. Maybe it would be really a good idea to stay at his

house while he's on tour.. I got myself some food and

spent too much time in a cafe reading the newspapers

and informing myself about Niall and his friends..

 It really seemed as they were international stars and I was

just like a homeless girl who didn't know anything about

them or how they did get famous and all that stuff.

After I finished my coffee it was already time to head "home".

It was already dark and cold and after some time, I couldn't

feel my hands anymore because it was so cold.

While I was walking down the street, some people looked

at me quite weird.. Possibly, it was because they knew me

now as the "new girlfriend of Niall".

Suddenly I felt a big hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

"What? Wait what are you....", I yelled but suddenly I didn't see

anything anymore. 


200+ reads or 10+ votes and I'll continue the story (: 

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