Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

little note: this chapter contains disturbing and dirty content. Please skip it if 

you don't like. Thoughts are in italic font. 

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop that!", I yelled around.

I wondered if anyone could hear me, I didn't know where I was anymore.

 Suddenly I got hit on my backhead. Everything turned black and I fainted.





Where am I? Why do I not feel my hands? And why does my head hurt?

I opened my eyes to see where I was. It was a dark room, there was only

one ridiculious light bulb brightening the room. There were no furniture

in this room at all. Where was I? Suddenly, a bald headed man entered

the room and smirked at me.

"Seems as the little princess woke up from her little nappy, huh?", he laughed. 

"Who the hell are you, what do you want from me and why am I tied to this

f*cking chair?!", I yelled at him angrily.

"So many questions and so little time, what a pity!", he said coming closer

to the chair where my hands where tied together at the back.

He came so close that I even could feel his halitosis, it was disgusting.

It was a mix of smoke and greasy food. I tried to hold my breath to not

smell this yucky odor.

"I never thought, I'd get you so easy.. So where's your little prince to

save the little princess?", he asked me smirking evil at me.

What was he talking about? And why did he kidnapp me? What did

he want from me? I was just a homeless girl. 

"Let me go. You won't get any ransom for me because my parents

aren't rich. And you won't be famous for sure. So let me go!", I groaned.

"So cheeky. Your parents may not be rich but I bet your little boyfriend is.

I'm just doing my job love. I'm getting paid for it either way", he laughed.

What? He got paid for it to kidnap me? Which freak would have wanted

to kidnap me? Nobody knew me! 

"Who is your crazy client who pays you for this bullsh*t?!", I screamed.

The walls were reflecting my voice, so I could hear my echo resounding

a million times. This room scared me in some kind of way.

"Oh I'm not gonna tell you this, but I bet she wants me to have some fun

with you. She wants you to have fun, be happy!", he laughed evil.

No, don't cry now. You're not weak. He's just a psycho.  Breathe in, breathe

out,  breathe in, breathe out, brea----..

The man started to push the chair against the walls so I hit my head on the

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