Chapter 21

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I know that it's been aaaaages since I updated the 

story but I finally found some time to update, so hope

you enjoy the next chapter of "Irish Love" (:


I started crying. Really hard. I didn't want Harry to leave, though

I was in love with Niall. Why was I even so upset about it? 

And what did the management have to do with it? Questions

over questions running through my head..

"Emily, are you okay?", Liam asked me as he grabbed my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine but.. What about Harry?", I asked sadly. 

"He will calm down, he just needs some time, I guess..", Liam 

replied after a short pause. He seemed to be as worried as me.

Niall finally came in Harry's empty room too, seeing me and Liam

standing there, helpless and speechless. He approached me and

grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. Why was he always

doing that when I was with one of the other boys? 

"What's the problem?", he asked, seeming to be clueless but I think

I knew that he was hiding something, he knew much more than we did.

"Well guess what. Do you see Harry? No? Well he's gone..", I snapped him.

"Calm down babe, I see that he's not here but I think he needs some time

on his own.. You know, it's really hard to cohabit with four other guys and 

a beautiful girl like you", Niall apple-polished me. 

I was tired of this day, it was just too long and all I needed now was sleep.

Overthinking everything and cluster myself. I left the room, slacking myself'

from Niall and headed straight to my room and let myself fall in my bed.

But it seemed as Harry even fussed me in my dreams because that night

I had a really weird dream..

Cherry Blossoms were falling from the trees as I stood in front of a shrine.

I didn't know how I got here or where I was but this place was peaceful and

all I could hear was the wind funneling down through the trees. 

As I looked up to the sky, I noticed how small I became. I ran to the pond

next to the shrine and looked at my reflection in the water. 

It seemed as I travelled down my memory lane when I was young. 

I remember that once I've been to Japan with my parents when everything

was okay. 

Suddenly I noticed a boy in my age with curly hair and a guitar sitting on 

the other side of the pond. I approached him and sat next to him. At first,

he ignored me but then he looked at the water, seeing my reflection. 

Then, he looked at me with his big green eyes and smiled at me. 

"You're gonna be my wife when we're older, alright?", he smiled and

his cute dimples showed. I didn't know what to say so I just stared

towards the shrine and aimed a stone into the water. 

The boy just started to play the guitar and sang "Kiss it all better" 

from He is We. 

"It's not your fault love, you didn't know.. you didn't know"..

I looked at him with an interrogative glimpse. 

"What do you mean, I didn't know?" 

"Her hands are so cold and he kisses her face and says 

everything will be alright".. 

"Tell me, what do you mean?", I repeated once again.

"He holds onto a memory, all it is, is a memory".. he continued.

Suddenly I woke up. I was bathed in persipiration, didn't know

what I just dreamed.. What did this dream mean? 

I suppressed the dream during the day and tried to concentrate

on my new work. I was recruited as a piano player and so I had

to learn and improve my piano playing before I could play with

the band. But I couldn't really concentrate on my work because

all I could think of was Harry and his letter for me.. And the 

meaning of the dream.. 

The next night, I had another dream, similar to the other one..

This time it was winter. Snowflakes were falling on my cheeks

as I walked outside, leaving footprints in the fresh snow.. 

Once again, I saw this boy with his guitar. His curls were covered

by a beanie. His green eyes were even brighter in the white 

countryside. I approached him again, it seemed as he had an 

incredible appeal to me. I sat down next to him.

"Oh, glad to see my future wife again". 

"I'm not your future wife, I don't even know you".

"But I know that I will save you from a huge misery", he said 

as he started to sing another song. "Give it all by He is We".

"I've heard so many words but I have no courage..

Don't want to miss you tonight..

Tell me it's not over now..

I can change your mind somehow..

I, I give it all, I trip and fall for you. 

And I hope you wouldn't mind." 

I was confused. Why did the boy always sing to me? 

"Why do you always sing to me when we meet?"

"Because I like to express my feelings in songs. 

That's why I want to become a singer when I'm older", he explained.

This was all so confusing. He sang that he wanted to insulate me.. 

But he didn't even know me..

Once again, I woke up, even more confused. I saw that Niall left a

message in my room. I rolled out of my bed and opened it.

"Hey babe, can we talk? 11 AM outside the arena? 

Love you x" 

This distracted me even more. What was going on? 

First Harry was leaving me a message, now Niall wanted

to talk to me?!

Then, I checked my mobile phone. There was a new text message

from an unknown number. I didn't know if I should open it or not..


thank you for reading! I hope you all liked this chapter :) 

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